

单词 breashears
释义 breashearsCOCA⁸³⁹⁹⁴BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
David Breashears is one of America’s legendary mountain climbers, a man who has climbed Mount Everest five times and led the Everest IMAX film team in1996.
大卫•布里谢斯 David Breashears是美国一位传奇的登山者,他曾五次登上珠穆朗玛峰,并曾于1996年带队珠峰 IMAX摄影小组。 yeeyan

Mr. Breashears led me through a display of these paired photographs at the Asia Society in New York.
布里谢斯先生在纽约的亚洲协会博物馆带我参观这些对比照片。 yeeyan

Mr. Breashears first reached the top of Everest in 1983, and in many subsequent trips to the region he noticed the topography changing, the glaciers shrinking.
布里谢斯先生于1983年首次登顶珠峰,在后来许多次故地重游中,他注意到了地貌的变化和冰川的减少。 yeeyan

These days, Mr. Breashears is still climbing the Himalayas, but he is lugging more than pitons and ice axes.
这些天,布里谢斯先生还在攀登喜马拉雅山脉,但他带上的不仅仅是岩钉和冰斧。 yeeyan




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