

单词 breakthrough point
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The strategic adjustment of state- owned economy has become the breakthrough point in the reform and development of the state- owned enterprises.
国有经济的战略性调整已经成为我国国有企业改革与发展的突破口。 cnki

The system of formative assessment is a breakthrough point of reform of the teaching and learning model in modern education. It is an important way of distance education.
形成性考核制度是现代远程教育教与学模式改革的突破点,是实施远程教育的重要途径。 cnki

There are various factors that may reduce the effect of a moral education course and the improvement of course content is a breakthrough point for improving the effect of the course.
德育课教学中,影响教学效果的因素是多方面的,改进教学内容则是提高德育教学实效性的突破口。 cnki

And establishing regional capital market in the west will become a breakthrough point in financial innovation in the west.
而建立西部区域性资本市场,将成为西部金融创新的突破口。 dictall

By saving more energy, improving efficiency, process simplification and biotechnology application will be the breakthrough point of sustainable development technology of deinking production.
通过节约能源和提高效率,简化工艺过程和应用生物技术将是脱墨工艺可持续发展的突破点。 dictall

Chapter V is about the documentary creation under the new media environment, which are the focus and the breakthrough point of this paper.
第五章新媒体环境下纪录片的创作,这一部分是本论文的重点和突破点。 fabiao

If the knowledge proves to be correct, it will become a breakthrough point of short term and imminent prediction of earthquakes.
如果这一认识被进一步证实是正确的话,将可成为地震短临预报的突破口; cnki

In this paper, realism and regional culture as a breakthrough point, through the elaboration and side comparisons in the literature is how to realize the characteristics of these two.
本文以现实主义和地域文化为突破口,通过阐述和比较论证方方在文学创作中是怎样体现以上两个特点的。 aipear

In comprehensive exploitation of mountainous area forestry, some regions are taking the economic forest as breakthrough point in promoting mountain area economy and guiding farmers to get rich.
在山区林业综合开发中,各地把发展经济林作为振兴山区经济、引导农民致富的“突破口”。 cnki

So, explore studying study actively in course teaching, can be regarded as the breakthrough point of university's educational reform.
因此,在课程教学中积极探索研究性学习,可以作为高校教育改革的切入点。 cnki

Taking the system of commutation as the breakthrough point, the article analyzes deeply the existed questions in reality so as to perfect our country's criminal activity legal regime.
以减刑制度为切入点,对减刑制度在实践中存在的问题进行深层分析,有助于完善我国的刑事法律制度。 dictall

The home station selects the China stock market most recent practical information every day, let you find the breakthrough point rapidly in the vast information sea.
本站每日精选中国证券市场最新的实用资讯,让你在浩瀚的信息海洋中迅速找到切入点。 infour

The efforts that harmonize tool sensibility and value sensibility have become the generating point and breakthrough point for the Islamic political mode.
调和工具理性和价值理性的努力成为伊斯兰式政治模式形成的生成点和突破口。 cnki

The regional culture should be the breakthrough point to make the national spirit education penetrate the whole education process.
要以地域文化为切入点,把民族精神教育贯穿教育全过程; cnki

The breakthrough point of the system is the development of Dalian northern center of marine transport.
这一体制建立的突破点是大连北方航运中心的形成和发展。 cnki

This paper analyzes the connotation of government information value-added services and puts forward that mechanism innovation is a breakthrough point in government information value-added services.
从分析政府信息增值服务的内涵入手,提出政府信息增值服务的深入应以机制创新为突破口。 dictall

This paper reviews causes of decline of Pinus tabulaeformis, and gives the research tendency and breakthrough point.
本文在综述引起油松枯萎死亡原因的同时,也对其研究趋势及突破点进行了分析。 cnki

This text regards WTO's transparent principle as the breakthrough point, carry on some theory analysis on how to improve our government's transparency.
本文以 WTO透明原则为切入点,就如何提高我国政府的透明度进行一些理论探析。 cnki

This is the important breakthrough point for us to understand his mind and spirit structure.
它是我们认识屈原心理、精神结构的一个重要切入点。 cnki

We catch the innovation breakthrough point in each work detail, improves continually.
我们在每个工作细节上捕捉创新突破点,持续改善。 kekenet

With aviation sports teaching as the breakthrough point, reveal multi-level teaching for students and adapt, and put forward relevant strategies.
以航空体育教学为切入点,揭示分层次教学对学生和学科适应带来的影响,并提出了相关应对策略。 m.qikan.com.cn




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