

单词 查询
释义 查询 chá xún
inquiryto inquirequerydemandsee aboutpollpolling繁体查詢去年的征税查询通知正威胁着他们。Last year's tax demands are closing on them.
经过查询之后,如一切都无问题,贵公司所订货品将立即送出。As soon as these inquiries have been satisfactorily settled, we shall be pleased to send your order.
用来修饰说明某种应用软件,其中每一输入都会从系统或程序那里得到响应。如查询系统、飞机订票系统。一个交互系统也可以是会话式的,即用户和系统之间的连续对话。Pertaining to an application in which each entry calls forth a response from a system or program, as in an inquiry system or an airline reservation system. An interactive system may also be conversational, implying a continuous dialog between the user and the system.




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