

单词 break it down
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As mentioned at the beginning, when challenged with a tough volley, don’t panic or overreact — stay calm, break it down, and keep it simple.
我一开始就提到,面对上网截球的艰难挑战时,不要恐慌或反应过度;只要保持冷静,简单地回击就能赢球得分。 blog.sina.com.cn

The penalty shootout was the most exciting part of an otherwise dull match, with Portugal’s stout defense standing strong and Argentina unable to break it down.
点球大战是一场沉闷至极的比赛中最为精彩的部分,而面对葡萄牙队坚若磐石的防守,阿根廷队显的毫无办法。 goalhi

As long as it's reversible, you know what the efficiency has to be, and in principle, you could break it down into a bunch of steps that you could formulate as isothermal and adiabatic.

While many women really do want luxury goods from men, when you break it down they are just physical representations of some of the points on this list.
然而许多女性确实想从男性身上获得奢华的物品,当你慢慢分析的时候,他们也只是清单上所列的物质表现而已。 yeeyan




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