

单词 breaking dawn
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Robert Pattinson has let rip after photos were leaked from the Twilight: Breaking Dawn set, urging fans to' destroy' those responsible.
近日,《暮光之城4:破晓》一组剧照遭泄露,男主角罗伯特·帕丁森勃然大怒,甚至呼吁粉丝将相关的不法分子“消灭”。 hjenglish

The pair, who are rumoured to be dating, are in the Brazilian city to film honeymoon scenes for the next Twilight film Breaking Dawn.
为了筹拍暮光系列之《破晓》,他们来到美丽的巴西进行蜜月拍摄之旅。 edu.sina.com.cn

The final book, Breaking Dawn, will be split into two films, which will give Stewart and Pattinson the opportunity to double their upfront pay for their final Twilight work.
此外,最后一本书《破晓》也将会分成两部电影拍摄,这也使得斯图尔特和帕廷森可凭借他们最后一部暮光系列作品而预先获得双份报酬。 yeeyan

The Breaking Dawn wedding scene has been filming all week and now, we are finally getting a look at Bella'sKristen Stewart wedding dress!
《破晓》的婚礼场景已经开拍一周了,我们总算有幸见到了贝拉的婚纱! cntv

“ We have finished filming Eclipse and one would assume that, if New Moon does as well as Twilight, then we'll start filming Breaking Dawn next year, ” she says.
我们已经拍摄完《月食》了,并且觉得如果《新月》能够与《暮光》不分上下的话,那么明年我们就会拍摄《破晓》。 yeeyan

But no one knows yet if“ Breaking Dawn” will be made into one film or two.
但他们不确定是否该把“破晓”分成两部电影来拍摄。 cri

Fans of Twilight will finally get to see how the wedding, honeymoon, and birth scenes play out with the release of Breaking Dawn Part 1.
随著《暮光之城:破晓》的上映,《暮光之城》的影迷们终于可以看到主角的婚礼、蜜月以及生孩子的画面了。 cri

For those keeping score, Breaking Dawn is missing the interesting indie edge of the first film.
对于那些为该片打分的人来说,《破晓》丧失了该系列首部电影独立有趣的一面。 rr365.com

I hope that this will be the first of many occasions I'll get to check in with you as we set to work bringing BREAKING DAWN to the screen.
我希望这是许多中的其中一次,在我们开始着手把《破晓》搬上大荧幕时,我能向你们汇报。 blog.sina.com.cn

It was a major milestone for the three leads in the franchise, who will all be busy in the coming weeks in the run-up to Breaking Dawn Part 1's release on Nov.18.
这对于这三位主角来说有里程碑的意义,他们在接下来的一周的会为《暮光之城:破晓第一部》11月18号的首映的筹备而非常忙碌。 hjenglish

So in the“ Twilight” pantheon, Breaking Dawn Part 1 is at best a draw.
因此在“暮色”系列电影中,《破晓》上集最多打个平局。 wenzhai5

The only thing is, Breaking Dawn is a very large book so it would be a really long movie.
唯一的问题是,《破晓》内容众多,拍成电影也会相当长。 yeeyan

The24-year-old Breaking Dawn star tells Germany's Bravo Magazine that Kristen wants to“ wait before she has kids.”
这位24岁《暮光》系列电影影星向《 Germany' s Bravo》杂志表示克里斯汀不想急着生孩子。 hjenglish.com

There are four books in The Twilight Saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
《暮光之城》系列有四部小说:《暮色》、《新月》,《月食》和《破晓》。 yeeyan




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