词汇 | 权宜之计 |
释义 | 权宜之计 辨形“计”,不能写作“记”。 辨形“计”,不能写作“记”。 歇后语鲁子敬力排众议 法文pis aller 俄文временное мероприятие 德文Notbehelf Notlǒsung 拉丁文modus vivendi 司徒王允见董卓祸害日深,曾几次秘密召集几个大臣商议诛杀董卓,决定用计策动吕布来杀死董卓。公元192年4月,汉献帝久病初愈,在未央殿大会群臣。董卓命令吕布等带领卫队护卫。这时候,王允设下的伏兵,突然朝董卓冲杀过去,董卓从马车上掼下来,大声疾呼:“吕布在哪里?”吕布怒喝一声:“皇上下令诛杀你这个逆贼!”喊声刚落,一戟将董卓刺死了。 董卓被杀死后,王允认为大患已除,天下太平,做事就不因时因事而采取变通办法原文是“不循权宜之计”,所以好多部下对他逐渐疏远了。不久,董卓的旧部郭汜;李傕攻入长安这时汉献帝已西迁长安杀死王允,赶走吕布。后来,郭汜;李傕又争权夺利,互相火并起来,关中地区出现军阀混战的局面。 反义词 Makeshift is how I’d describe the feel of the“ airport,” as if a few boxy pre- fabricated units were offloaded from a truck a few decades ago and thrown together. Mr Obama needs to embrace centrism as a matter of conviction rather than flirting with it as an instrument of political expediency. Part of it was simply expediency; there wasn't time to rewrite everything to use. NET. But Mr McCain is also a brave politician, who has often tried to do the difficult not the expedient thing. However, it is expedient to begin with utility, to simplify the analysis for introductory purposes. Thank God, science, technology and certain reasonable political expedients this is no longer the case. A more fundamental concern is that, even extended to larger companies, credit guarantees will prove no more than a stopgap. In the past few days a makeshift village of cabins and temporary mortuaries has sprung up in Fromelles, northwest France, as a team of forensic archaeologists begins work. Ignoring tests is a temporary stopgap-- not a real solution to any problem you have. The European Central Bank (ECB regards its recent decision to buy Spanish and Italian bonds as a stopgap until the expanded EFSF is up and running. If the absurd is not respected in it, we shall know by what expedient illusion enters in. He will struggle to persuade the electorate that his sudden interest in immigration is anything other than expedient. He blames Ms Tymoshenko for sacrificing the ideology of the2004 orange revolution to political expediency and populism. Today, those stopgaps are gone. Texts and e- mails can be delivered privately. Sending a little message, at least at first, can feel so innocent. A close reading of China's behavior amid the evolving events in Sudan indicates that strategic expediency trumps principle and rhetoric. In the past its funds were sometimes handed out according to political expediency, to dying companies and in pursuit of a patchily successful industrial policy. These issues have no place in a stopgap spending bill a few minutes from midnight. The city’s designers may have had their plans, but it is the deep streak of pragmatism or, better, expediency that runs through so much of life here that drives things. Shift your attention from the expedient to the important. |
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