

单词 breadbasket
释义 bread·bas·ket 英ˈbredˌbæskɪt美ˈbrɛdˌbæskɪtAHDbrĕdʹbăs'kĭt 高COCA⁵³⁹⁹¹BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁴⁷⁵³²
n. 胃; 装面包的篮子⁷⁵; 谷物主产地²⁵

a geographic region serving as the principal source of grainan enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestiona basket for serving bread近义词 tum肚子tummy肚子stomach胃
as in.abdomen
同义词 belly,gut,midriff,midsection,tummybowels,corporation,guts,intestines,middle,paunch,pot,potbelly,venter,viscerabay window,spare tireas in.bay window
同义词 beer belly,gutbucket,love handles,middle-age spread,paunch,pot belly,spare tireas in.belly
同义词 abdomen,gut,insides,pelvis,tank,tummycorporation,intestines,paunch,pot,venterbay window,beer belly,front porch,pot belly,solar plexus,spare tireas in.spare tire
同义词 bay window,beerbelly,corporation,extra tire,love handles,potbellyas in.stomach
同义词 abdomen,belly,gut,tummyinside,insides,maw,paunch,pot,potbellyabdominal region,below the belt,solar plexus,spare tireas in.tummy
同义词 abdomen,bellygut,insides,paunch,potbelow the belt,solar plexus,spare tire
abdomennoun the stomach and area directly below in an animate being
bay window,belly,bowels,corporation,gut,guts,intestines,middle,midriff,midsection,paunch,pot,potbelly,spare tire,tummy,venter,viscera
bay windownoun large stomach
beer belly,breadbasket,gutbucket,love handles,middle-age spread,paunch,pot belly,spare tire
bellynoun stomach
abdomen,bay window,beer belly,breadbasket,corporation,front porch,gut,insides,intestines,paunch,pelvis,pot,pot belly,solar plexus,spare tire,tank,tummy,venter
spare tirenoun extra fat around waistline
bay window,beerbelly,breadbasket,corporation,extra tire,love handles,potbelly
stomachnoun digestive organ of animate being;exterior
abdomen,abdominal region,belly,below the belt,breadbasket,gut,inside,insides,maw,paunch,pot,potbelly,solar plexus,spare tire,tummy
tummynoun stomach
abdomen,belly,below the belt,breadbasket,gut,insides,paunch,pot,solar plexus,spare tire And the economy Burma was the breadbasket of Asia, it was known for its intellectual people, its wonderful culture and now it is just in total shambles.
缅甸是亚洲的产粮中心,这也是其主要经济来源。 这里有智慧的人民、令人惊奇的文化,但是现在所以一切成了废墟。 hjenglish

By the early19th century fantasies of an Amur breadbasket had revived.
19世纪早期,“黑龙江面包篮”的梦想又重新回来了。 ecocn

Officials accuse suppliers in Punjab, the breadbasket of Pakistan, of smuggling wheat intended for domestic use to Afghanistan and Central Asia to take advantage of price differences.
巴政府谴责 Punjab印度西北部一地方的供应商,为了赚取更高利润,他们走私小麦到阿富汗和中部亚洲去,因为那些地方的粮食价格更高。 yeeyan

The affected area is primarily in central and eastern China, covering the country's breadbasket where much of the winter wheat crop is raised.
受旱地区主要在中国的中部和东部,这里是中国的粮食主产区,中国大部分冬小麦都是在这一地区种植的。 gjjy

The Somalia of the past is gone. The southern breadbasket has fallen too far behind.
索马里的过去已一去不返,南部产粮区已落后太远。 ecocn

The United States has been the world’s breadbasket for more than half a century.
过去的半个世纪内,美国一直是世界的面包篮子。 yeeyan

You see the same desolate picture across the country, once the region’s breadbasket as well as one of the world’s largest producers of top-quality tobacco.
这种荒芜的景象在全国比比皆是,而这里的产粮区曾是世界上最大的顶级烟草生产地之一。 ecocn

And since America's breadbasket has not warmed, American grain farmers have been fortunate.
既然美国的面包篮子并没有变暖,美国种谷物的农民已经很幸运了。 yeeyan

Barn and field echo the nickname given to the valley during the Civil War— Breadbasket of the Confederacy.
谷仓和牧场回响着南北战争时期所赋予的绰号——南部邦联的粮仓。 yeeyan

Cyrenaica, Libya’s eastern slice that was once a breadbasket of the ancient world but has since been ruined by the colonel’s eccentric economic theories, is re-establishing its trading links.
利比亚东部的昔兰尼加,曾是古代盛产粮食的地区,但后来因Muammar Qaddafi上校古怪的经济理论毁坏,正在重建其贸易连接。 ecocn

In addition, the granary of the affected grain, grain storage pits in the breadbasket, and food management and depot management system is an important part of.
另外,粮仓的受粮、粮食在仓窖中的管理和粮仓的放粮制度也是粮仓管理中的重要内容。 fabiao

It is true that Egypt, once the breadbasket of the Roman empire, has been unable to feed itself.
的确,作为罗马帝国曾经的产粮区,埃及如今连自己肚子都喂不饱了。 ecocn




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