词汇 | 未雨绸缪 |
释义 | 未雨绸缪 辨形“缪”,不能写作“谬”。 辨析①未雨绸缪和“有备无患”;都是“事先做好准备工作”的意思。但未雨绸缪没有强调“无患”;前面可以加“必须”;“应该”等词;“有备无患”明确提出“无患”;意思较未雨绸缪多了一层。②参见“防患未然”。。 辨形“缪”,不能写作“谬”。 辨析①未雨绸缪和“有备无患”;都是“事先做好准备工作”的意思。但未雨绸缪没有强调“无患”;前面可以加“必须”;“应该”等词;“有备无患”明确提出“无患”;意思较未雨绸缪多了一层。②见“防患未然”。 俄文принимать меры заблаговременно 德文rechtzeitig Vorkehrungen treffen 2;“诗经”中有一篇标题为“鸱鸮”的诗,描写一只失去了自己小孩的母鸟,仍然在辛勤的筑巢,其中有几句诗:“迨天之未阴雨,彻彼桑土,绸缪牖户。今此下民,或敢侮予!”意思是说:趁着天还没有下雨的时候,赶快用桑根的皮把鸟巢的空隙缠紧,只有把巢坚固了,才不怕人的侵害。 后来,大家把这几句诗引伸为“未雨绸缪”,意思是说做任何事情都应该事先准备,以免临时手忙脚乱。 【注意】“缪”不读miù。 反义词 Be proactive, think about your long-term career strategy, and be smart about your choices. HOARDING provisions for future use is not unique to humans. Birds, squirrels and monkeys do it. Saving for a rainy day and avoiding rampant consumerism was integral to their life philosophy. But Villarosa is careful here as well and has rainy days in mind. Mr Fuchs argues that even Japan’s excellent performers suffer from a low productivity of capital, such as keeping hoards of cash for a rainy day. Householders cannot rely on a ready supply of credit— or on government safety nets— so must save hard for a rainy day. Happy people plan ahead. Nevertheless, the bureau is wise to plan ahead. And there are other threats to health that we need to anticipate. That is right around the corner. Did you ask your mom what she wanted for Mother's Day? As people’s assets rose in value, they felt less need to save for college, retirement or rainy days. In poorly developed financial systems, households find it hard to borrow and so need to save for a rainy day. These rainy-day funds have swollen since2004, mostly because of increased hoarding by oil- exporters and by China see chart2. It is normal that comparisons are made, but now we must think ahead. What’s different is that, even as we dream up what’s next, we face the classic innovator’s dilemma: should we invest in brand new products, or should we improve existing ones? The participants answered198 questions to assess their personality and behavior, including whether they were ambitious, sociable, easily upset, physically violent or someone who likes to plan ahead. Best to store some for a rainy day. Store it where? Batten down the hatches and endure the thunderstorm of an unwelcome estimate early in the project instead of the hurricane of schedule slips and cost overruns later on. |
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