释义 |
朝圣 cháo shèng 基本例句 make a pilgrimagepilgrimagepilgrimhadj繁体朝聖这个朝圣者来自非常远的地方。This palmer came from a very distant place. 教徒前往麦加朝圣的旅途A pilgrimage to Mecca made by the faithful. 朝圣者都匍伏在圣坛前。The pilgrims prostrated themselves before the altar. 我们遇到许多去麦加朝圣的人。We met many pilgrims on their way to Mecca. 这个穆斯林代表团很快就要去麦加朝圣了。The Muslim delegation is shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca. |