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词汇 望而生畏
释义 望而生畏 wàng ér shēng wèi 常用成语
be terrified by the sight of sth. or sb.繁体朢而生畏近义望而却步;退避三舍反义无所畏惧正音“而”,不能读作“ěr”。
法文être terrifié à la vue de qch.
俄文струсить передструсить при виде
德文schon beim Anblick von etwas/jm Angst bekommen加上他那黑而峻厉的面孔,颇使我望而生畏。孙犁《远的怀念》连动式:作谓语;用于人;中性词。先秦 孔子《论语 尧曰》:“君子正其衣冠,尊其瞻视,俨然人望而畏之,斯不亦威而不猛乎?”《左传·昭公二十年》:“唯有德者,能以宽服民;其次莫如猛,夫火烈,民望而畏之,故鲜死焉。”
姚雪垠《李自成》二卷三二章:“长安门;承天门;端门和午门,每道门是一道隔断海岸的大山,使人望而生畏,无法越过。”近义词 望而却步一见钟情草木皆兵望风而逃视为畏途面无人色退避三舍侧目而视面如土色炙手可热
反义词 楚楚可怜恃强凌弱无所畏惧挺身而上
她不敢与野兽为伍,忘记了自己是兽国中的一员;自身为熊,她却对熊望而生畏。Often she fled from the wild beasts, forgetting that she was now a wild beast herself; and, bear as she was, was afraid of the bears.
国王的母亲是个令人望而生畏的老妇人。The king's mother was formidable old lady.编写自定义补偿框架似乎令人望而生畏,但实际上它并不十分复杂—只是很耗时。
Writing a custom compensation framework sounds like a daunting task, but it isn't overly complex— just time consuming. ibm

达成如此深广之变化的前景是令人望而生畏,即便对 IOM医学研究所委员会的成员来说。
The prospect of achieving such widespread change is daunting, even for members of the IOM committee. yeeyan

德国总理安吉拉-默克尔说不改变欧盟条约的话就不可能建立 EMF,而要改变欧盟条约又是一项令人望而生畏的艰巨任务。
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, said an EMF could not be set up without a change to the EU treaty, a daunting task. ecocn

Changing them, in Brazil and across the tropical world, is a daunting task. ecocn

The more advanced grammar constructs can be daunting, but they are not needed for most purposes. ibm

将大型关键基础设施应用程序迁移到 SOA的工作令人望而生畏。
Moving large-scale, critical infrastructure applications to an SOA is daunting. ibm

每个阶段都包含一组令人望而生畏的活动,必须执行这些活动,以使您的 SOA系统取得成功。
Each phase contains quite a daunting set of activities that needs to be performed in order for your SOA system to be successful. ibm

然而,苹果公司仍然是令人望而生畏的市场领导者,何况 HTC还面临着来自韩国的三星电子,以及诺基亚公司和其他同类对手的竞争。
Still, Apple has a daunting sales lead and HTC also faces competition from South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co., Nokia Corp. and other rivals.51youcai

If we think of happiness as an overarching emotional state that is created by the presence of other, positive emotions, the process of achieving happiness becomes less daunting. yeeyan

Was there an invention, a project, or some task that just seemed too daunting or frustrating?

So trying to project what tools will be available over the next40 years is really daunting. yeeyan

Devising a final episode for a series which has aired for years is daunting enough. But it's especially tough for' Lost, ' which isn't the kind of show viewers can dip into at will. hjenglish

It's a daunting task for any leader to spearhead corporate redemption, or even a well-managed uptick. fortunechina

Sea urchins are perhaps best known for their armor of spines. But their mouths may be even more daunting— urchin teeth can literally chew through stone without getting dull. yeeyan

Once the winners of yesterday's election have worked out how to share the spoils of victory, they face a daunting in- tray. ecocn

When the world's most polluted country promised a green Olympics, it was a commitment of truly daunting ambition. yeeyan

The imminent and unprecedented urban growth that India is going to experience in the coming decades is therefore daunting. iciba

Thorough planning is the most important step in the connector development process, but it can be a daunting task for first time connector developers. ibm

That is a daunting enough statistic. fortunechina

最初我们并没有把 ABA作为主要的考虑,因为实施一个 ABA项目太让人望而生畏了。
At first, the prospect of running an ABA programme was so daunting that we didn't consider it seriously. yeeyan

But their mouths may be even more daunting— urchin teeth can literally chew through stone without getting dull. yeeyan

Opening content up by allowing users to rate and comment on your content may seem like a daunting exercise to many businesses. ibm

Photographing people can be a daunting task and the interaction is often what a lot of us shy away from. yeeyan




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