释义 |
有点 yǒu diǎn ★★★★☆d.副词⁰·⁰¹³²ᴾᵃ¹⁰⁸⁵v.动词⁰·⁰⁰²²ᴾᵃ⁵³⁸²a.形容词⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁸ᴾᵃ¹²⁰³⁶ 基本例句 rathersomea bita littlein some wisesomewhatto some degreehave a smack ofsomewhat of繁体有點你得使劲推,那扇门有点难开。You'll have to push hard; that door isa bitstubborn. 我班上有一两个学生有点迟钝。One or two of the students in my class area bitdense. 这孩子有点发烧。The child isa bitfeverish. 鸡骨头上还可能有点肉呢。You might finda bitof meat left on the chicken carcass. 他对结果有点担心。He feltsomeapprehension over the result. 她有点发胖。She's growingratherstout. 这双鞋有点太大了。These shoes arerathertoo big. 他有点神经质,但他的妻子是一个非常稳重的人。He isa bitneurotic, but his wife is a very stable person. |