

单词 有根有据
释义 有根有据 yǒu gēn yǒu jù 一般成语
Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly. blog.sina.com.cn

猜测似乎有根有据。 而实际上,克•瓦格纳上周给通用的32万5千位员工写信,否认通用试图申请破产法寻求保护。
So loud is the speculation, in fact, that Mr Wagoner wrote to the company's325,000 employees last week to deny that GM had any intention of filing for Chapter 11 protection from its creditors. ecocn

But there was also reason for cheer at Home Depot, which relies on humbler consumers and the still-low housing market: revenues were up by 4.3% on the first quarter of2009. ecocn

Perhaps such self-confidence is justified. ecocn

The whole passage raises my own understanding by combining history and logic, theory and practice and compose the analysis and demonstration in basis. http://dict.cnki.net

However, arguments for the reliability of the book seem to be well grounded. jukuu

People are infinitely more civilised when they must put a name to their writing, when they have to stand behind their words. yeeyan

实际上,他们想进一步采取措施直接赋权当地公众,使得保守党总理大卫•卡梅隆 David Cameron偏爱的、但至今看起来仍前途未卜的“大社会”理念有根有据。
Indeed, they want to go further and empower local residents directly, giving substance to the still- fuzzy idea of the “ Big Society” beloved by David Cameron, the Tory prime minister. ecocn

It is a clear, concise and reasonable appellation. http://dict.cnki.net

Her father's suspicions proved well- founded. It was not Edward she cared for, it was San Francisco. douban

Her fear is well- founded. yeeyan

Some optimism is warranted. yeeyan

That analysis could project U. S. hopes, whether well- founded or not, that China will not become involved in weapons trade to insurgent groups. lkong

这个担心还是有根有据的,毕竟药剂师可以大大增强 ASM的存活能力。
It is a valid concern as the Apothecary has always been better at keeping ASMs alive. zhihuiguan.com

Some of these complaints are well-founded, others are not; but even if all were true, they would misdescribe and undervalue what is going on here. yeeyan

The obvious problem with this approach is that the trade- weighted dollar mixes together changes in the dollar's value with changes in the value of foreign currencies. blog.sina.com.cn

The book was dictated when the author was in prison, so his memory might sometimes betray him. jukuu

Tarantian locals fear increased taxes, and, considering the past policy of the Council, their fears are well-placed. bn13




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