释义 |
有头有尾 yǒu tóu yuǒ wěi 常用成语 基本辨析辨析谜语歇后语例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句例句 carry something through to the end繁体有頭有尾近义有始有终;自始自终反义虎头蛇尾;有始无终正音“尾”,不能读作“yǐ”。 辨析参见“有始有终”。。正音“尾”,不能读作“yǐ”。 辨析见“有始有终”。谜语全鱼 歇后语小猫吃小鱼却才说不了,他便是真大丈夫,有头有尾,有始有终,我如今只等病好时,便去投奔他。 ★明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第二十二回联合式:作谓语;定语;状语;用于处事;含褒义。宋·朱熹《朱子语类·论语》卷二十九:“斐然一章,也是自成一家了,做得一章有头有尾。”解释: 既有开头又有结尾。指连贯而完整。《朱子语类·论语十一》:“斐然成章,也是自成一家了,做得一章有头有尾。” 明·凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷三〇:“事虽怪异,想着母亲之言句句有头有尾,鹤龄自叹道:‘读尽稗官野史,今日若非身为之子,随你传闻,岂肯即信也?’” 杨绛《洗澡》二部一二章:“各种传闻和推测渐渐归结成一个有头有尾的故事。”近义词 善始善终有始有终全始全终原原本本来龙去脉 反义词 有头无尾有始无终虎头蛇尾一曝十寒 他太激动了,没法儿把自己的事有头有尾地讲给大家听。He was too excited to tell them his story from beginning to end.如今,人们可以制作迷你电影,有头有尾的简短电影。 Now you can do a mini- movie or a short with a beginning, middle and end. yeeyan 他太激动了,没法把自己的事有头有尾地讲给大家听。 He was too excited to tell them his story from beginning to end. nciku 她知道她的箴言“有头有尾”,也知道它们带来的好处。但当她必须遵守时,好的,那是另一回事! She knows her proverbs, A to Z, and knows the good they bring. But when she has to follow them, well, that's another thing! hicoo 周日晚上的剧集有头有尾,而不会一直播一直播让人觉得厌烦,而且能一直看到我的偶像,一点都不觉得厌倦。 The Sunday night dramas have a set beginning and ending point instead of going on and on till people get tired of them. Though I'd never get tired of looking at my idol! putclub |