释义 |
最初的 基本例句 initialoriginalprimeprimalpremierforemostprimordialprincipialinitiatoryprimaryprinceps 碳化作用烟煤的分解蒸馏,在没有空气的条件下进行,为得到比最初的原料所含碳的百分比大得多的焦煤以及其它馏分The destructive distillation of bituminous coal, done in the absence of air in order to obtain coke and other fractions having a greater percentage of carbon than theoriginalmaterial. 为赢得新顾客,追踪调查和最初的接触一样重要。社会工作者的追踪调查使委托人放心The follow-up is often as important as theinitialcontact in gaining new clients. The social worker's emphasis on followup reassured her clients. 底色,漆层最初的或单一的颜料或漆层Aninitialor single coat of color or paint. 最初的会谈是后来达成协议的基础。Theinitialtalks were the base of the later agreement. |