词汇 | 暴风骤雨 |
释义 | 暴风骤雨 辨形“骤”,不能写作“聚”。 辨析暴风骤雨和“狂风暴雨”;都形容大风大雨;都可比喻浩大的声势;凶猛的来势。不同在于:①暴风骤雨偏重在“急”;多用来比喻来势迅猛;不可阻挡的群众运动;“狂风暴雨”偏重在“猛”;常用来形容疯狂的攻击;残酷的考验;激烈的战斗;险恶的处境等。②在形容大风大雨时;多用暴风骤雨。③“狂风暴雨”可比喻粗暴的方法和态度;暴风骤雨不能。 辨形“骤”,不能写作“聚”。 辨析暴风骤雨和“狂风暴雨”;都形容大风大雨;都可比喻浩大的声势;凶猛的来势。不同在于:①暴风骤雨偏重在“急”;多用来比喻来势迅猛;不可阻挡的群众运动;“狂风暴雨”偏重在“猛”;常用来形容疯狂的攻击;残酷的考验;激烈的战斗;险恶的处境等。②在形容大风大雨时;多用暴风骤雨。③“狂风暴雨”可比喻粗暴的方法和态度;暴风骤雨不能。 俄文грозá 三年后,唐僧四人取经路过朱紫国。孙悟空为国王悬丝把脉后,说:“陛下因为惊恐忧思而得病,病的名字叫双鸟失群之症。”众人问:“神僧长老,什么是双鸟失群之症?”行者说:“有雌雄二鸟,原在一处同飞,忽被暴风骤雨惊散,雌不能见雄,雄不能见雌,雌想雄,雄也想雌:这不是双鸟失群吗?”众人齐声喝采道:“真是神僧!真是神医!” 悟空用药打下了国王腹内的粽子,又制服了妖怪,救回了王后,彻底治好了国王的病。 反义词 During a snowstorm on Jan.15,1885, Bentley became the first person to ever photograph a single snowflake. Once again, General de Gaulle faced up to the storm, and once again the general avoided the worst. But it comes as a shock to an industry that until now has had a gale in its sails. But can the euro withstand today’s hurricane? As he pummeled reigning champ Tommy Burns, police stormed the ring to stop the fight, and film cameras were shut off to spare the world the sight of a black knocking out a white for the crown. That was a rough night, and an even more rough morning because I had to drive her back to her car. These appeared to have weathered the storm unscathed: in Harvard Square itself, Curious George, a children’s bookshop run by the same people who owned WordsWorth, flourishes to this day. While in the States she married a guy after a whirlwind romance, not knowing that he was about to inherit some southern plantations. And the message that we send in the midst of these storms must be clear: that our cause is just, our resolve unwavering. |
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