

单词 暗送秋波
释义 暗送秋波 àn sòng qiū bō 常用成语
cast flirtatious looks at somebodymake secret overtures繁体暗送秌波近义眉目传情;脉脉传情反义明目张胆正音“波”,不能读作“bē”。
辨形“暗”,不能写作“喑”。谜语八月夜里涛声急对张作霖则暗送秋波,对曹锟尤密切勾结。蔡东藩;许廑父《民国通俗演义》第一二四回动宾式:作谓语;定语;比喻献媚取宠,暗中勾搭;中性词。宋 苏轼《百步洪》诗之二:“佳人未肯回秋波,幼舆欲语防飞梭。”明 冯梦龙《挂枝儿 私窥》:“眉儿来,眼儿去,暗送秋波。”解释: 秋波:秋天的水波,比喻美女清澈明亮的眼睛和目光。南唐·李煜《菩萨蛮》词:“眼色暗相钩,秋波横欲流。”
明·冯梦龙《挂枝儿·私窥》曲:“眉儿来,眼儿去,暗送秋波。”解释: 也泛指讨好别人或暗中勾搭。莫应丰《将军吟》二四章:“大概对我的考察就是这个,看我同情他不?看我跟他暗送秋波不?看我一切斩得干脆不?”
徐贵祥《历史的天空》一九章:“还有一些陈墨涵闻所未闻,譬如诸多高级将领在抗战期间同日伪暗送秋波沆瀣一气的丑闻。”近义词 传情眉来眼去频送秋波眉目传情暗渡陈仓脉脉传情
反义词 明目张胆
别否认你们之间不是毫无瓜葛,在昨晚的聚会上我看到你向我丈夫暗送秋波!Don't deny there's nothing between you; I saw you making eyes at my husband at the party last night!
我看到你对那个姑娘暗送秋波。I saw you casting sheep's eyes at that girl.别否认你们之间不是毫无瓜葛,在昨晚的聚会上我看到你向我丈夫暗送秋波!
Don't deny there's nothing between you; I saw you making eyes at my husband at the party last night! websaru

It is not that bits of Europe are flirting with fascism again. It is rather that the same issues irk voters then as now— and politicians are responding to them in similar ways. ecocn

Judging by the dress code of French teenagers, there will be long queues outside Abercrombie& Fitch— though whether to buy the hooded tops or to eye up the sales staff may be another question. ecocn

Others romance it as a magical marketing term. For poor, bloodied businesses struggling through tough economic times, using“ free” to lure leery customers can be tempting indeed. yeeyan

Today, after finalizing my divorce, I decided to go out with a guy I had been ogling for months, after much anticipation and a few rounds of drinks at the bar, I was ready to roll. yeeyan

Lisa's young colleague made passes at her every time he met her.1steng

That guy is making passes at Janet. blog.sina.com.cn

If you calibrate your R&D spend to stay within your traditional industry guard rails, you will fail to see the big adjacent opportunities that may be staring you in the face from the outside. kle100

He makes a pass at every girl he meets. crazyenglish

She made eyes at the handsome actor.《新英汉大辞典》

I couldn't bat my eyelashes at Michael and get out of trouble. hjenglish

By contrast, religious police in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, patrolled the city’s annual book fair earlier this month to prevent any hint of mingling between the sexes. ecocn.org

On some days, it flirted with the psychologically important 4% threshold. yeeyan

Chuck Hagel, a Republican senator from Nebraska and one- time bosom buddy of Mr McCain has also flirted heavily with the movement, though he has refrained from issuing an official endorsement. ecocn

Once he sets eyes on her, or sees her, she might try to get him interested in her by actingplayformplayful. hjenglish




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