词汇 | 暗无天日 |
释义 | 暗无天日 辨形“暗”,不能写作“按”。 辨析暗无天日与“昏天黑地”有别:暗无天日一般不能形容风沙漫天或雾气弥漫的景象;“昏天黑地”则经常这么用。 辨形“暗”,不能写作“按”。 辨析暗无天日与“昏天黑地”有别:暗无天日一般不能形容风沙漫天或雾气弥漫的景象;“昏天黑地”则经常这么用。 法文dans les ténèbressans lumière 俄文беспрáвие и произвóл чёрные дни 然而,在朱宏祥到广东以前,这里的往来商旅不知死了多少,但就是找不到凶手,一个个都成了无头冤案。譬如:朱肇运主仆两命尽丧;吴学伊主仆3命尽丧;谢俊卿男女5命尽丧。这些人的死,都是凶手将他们的肚子剖开,将石头放进他们的肚子里,然后沉入水底的。 据说,朱宏祥一到任,城隍认定他是清官,就前去告诉他上述凶杀案是老龙舡户干的。 朱宏祥听到这一报告后,就到广东东北老龙津这个地方去捉拿凶手,结果擒获了50多名驾船人。经审讯,才知道他们是以舟渡商旅为名,诓客人登上他们的船,再通过放蒙药或烧闷香使客人昏迷,然后下手将客人剖腹纳石,沉入水底。这些船户结帮为害,致使这个地方社会极端黑暗。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 The new2009 edition paints a sombre picture of how the world fared during George Bush’s time in office. The hell in Christianity is dark without any light and it is said to be home for all the wicked people to return to after they die. The old society was an abyss of darkness. Megan shall be thrown into the dungeon of darkness. If you insist on keeping the word private, you force the experience of women back into darkness. He dwelt habitually in this shadow, feeling his way like a blind man and a dreamer. Those are days of darkness, when many of them spent most of their lives enduring all kinds of hardships. Writing, is to complete darkness to suicide. IN DARK days, people naturally seek glimmers of hope. The life at school spending money as water flowing has gone forever, the life seems leading to dark all the time … I always felt sorry for myself and others. This means that the far side of the planet is constantly in darkness. With Microsoft having a hand in this deal, let's hope this won't end up causing another boatload of patent lawsuits. These years that I have been in love have been the darkest days of my life. Zeus: I banish you to the darkest pits of Tartarus! The forgotten Syria meant thousands of political prisoners packed for decades inside the darkness of prisons and detention centers. After so many long years of hopelessness, they represent a small glimmer of light for the people of a dark land. |
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