释义 |
暂停 zàn tíng 基本例句 suspendtime-outhesitationlullhold in suspensein recesshaltpausestand-downtake time out todwelltemporarily discontinuedhang upbreak offtime outtemporary suspensiontimeout繁体暫停暂停一会儿,你不能整天都拼命工作。Let up for a minute. You can't work hard all day. 停顿暂时的停顿;暂停A temporary stop; a pause. 因为那些野蛮的助威者,足球比赛不得不暂停。The football march had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters. 因为地震,每天飞往这个城市的航班暂停了。The daily flight to the city has been temporarily suspended because of the earthquake. |