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bran·dy 英ˈbrændiː美ˈbrændiAHDbrănʹdē ★☆☆☆☆高四六研4八COCA¹²³⁶⁸BNC⁷⁰⁴³iWeb¹³⁴⁴⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.白兰地酒⁹⁷v.以白兰地酒调制³名词复数brandies过去分词brandied现在分词brandying三单brandies 生活酒水
n.名词 UC白兰地酒type of strong alcoholic drink Noun: distilled from wine or fermented fruit juicebrand来自日耳曼语,本意是“火焰,燃烧之物”。13世纪那些到法国沿海运盐的荷兰船只将法国干邑地区盛产的葡萄酒运至北海沿岸国家,这些葡萄酒深受欢迎。约在16世纪中叶,为便于葡萄酒的出口,减少海运的船舱占用空间,同时也为避免因长途运输发生的葡萄酒变质现象,干邑地区的酒商把葡萄酒加以蒸馏浓缩后出口,然后输入国的厂家再按比例兑水稀释出售。这种把葡萄酒加以蒸馏后制成的酒即为早期的法国白兰地。当时,荷兰人称这种酒为“brande wijn”,在英语中拼写为brandy wine蒸馏过的葡萄酒。英语单词brandy就是brandy wine的缩写。参考单词brand商标,烙印。cherry brandy樱桃白兰地brandy snap白兰地姜饼brandy butter白兰地黄油,白兰地白…brandy ball含酒糖球pear brandy梨白兰地酒peach brandy桃子酒fruit brandy水果白兰地酒…apricot brandy杏子白兰地酒…grape brandy葡萄白兰地cider brandy苹果汁白兰地…apple brandy苹果白兰地brandy room白兰地酒车间… 钱博士brand用火加热,引申为“蒸馏”+y形容词后缀,相当于-ed→蒸馏过的葡萄酒⇒白兰地酒 词源解释brand来自英国人本族语属于日耳曼语,本意是“火焰,燃烧之物”。13世纪那些到法国沿海运盐的荷兰船只将法国干邑地区盛产的葡萄酒运至北海沿岸国家,这些葡萄酒深受欢迎。约在16世纪中叶,为便于葡萄酒的出口,减少海运的船舱占用空间,同时也为避免因长途运输发生的葡萄酒变质现象,干邑地区的酒商把葡萄酒加以蒸馏浓缩后出口,然后输入国的厂家再按比例兑水稀释出售。这种把葡萄酒加以蒸馏后制成的酒即为早期的法国白兰地。当时,荷兰人称这种酒为“brande wijn”,在英语中拼写为brandy wine蒸馏过的葡萄酒。英语单词brandy就是brandy wine的缩写。参考单词brand商标,烙印。brand用火加热,引申为“蒸馏”+y形容词后缀,相当于-ed→蒸馏过的葡萄酒⇒白兰地酒。近义词 liquor酒 用作名词n.Brandy is usually drunk after dinner.白兰地通常是在饭后喝的。 I took another drink of the brandy and moved forward.我又喝了一口白兰地,向前走去。 Cognac and Armagnac are fine brandies.科尼亚克和阿马尼亚克是两种优质白兰地。Pbrandy-pawneen.掺水的白兰地酒Pbrandyballn.带白兰地酒味的糖果
名词100% 用作名词She fainted but thebrandysoon revived her.她昏迷了,但喂她些白兰地酒就很快醒过来了。 I drank a miniature bottle ofbrandylast night.我昨晚喝了一小瓶白兰地。 John kept swigging at the bottle ofbrandy.约翰对着那瓶白兰地酒大口地喝个不停。noun.spirits 同义词 whiskeycognac,marcaqua vitae,eau de vie liqueurnoun liquor alcohol,alcoholic beverage,aperitif,booze,cognac,cordial,flavored drink,intoxicant,port,spirits China’s freshly minted millionaires and billionaires are particularly obsessed with the wine country of Bordeaux, as red wine has taken over from expensive brandy as the business lubricant of choice. 中国暴发的百万富翁和亿万富翁特别痴迷于波尔多酒的故乡—法国,因为葡萄酒已经接替昂贵的白兰地成为商业人士的选择。 yeeyan It was surely not immoral to talk, walk in the woods, down a pear brandy or two together, if it saved lives. 在树林里谈话,散步,喝下一两瓶梨白兰地酒,这些当然不是不道德的,如果这些能够拯救无数生命的话。 ecocn “ Is there anything I can get you?” Sir Charles asked, putting his glass of brandy down with a trembling hand. “有什么我可以帮你的吗?”查尔斯爵士问道,颤抖地放下白兰地酒杯。 yeeyan A sip of brandy helped to pull him round. 给他喝一口白兰地酒有助于使他苏醒。 kekenet Across the company, robust Asian demand almost entirely offset falling sales of brandy, champagne, jewelry and watches. 在整个集团中,强劲的亚洲需求几乎完全抵消了白兰地、香槟、首饰和手表销售的下滑。 cri Ads call it a “ world-famous spirit” on par with Scotch whisky and French brandy. 它的广告称其为与苏格兰威士忌和法国白兰地齐名的“世界知名烈酒品牌”。 yeeyan Anderson poured two glasses of brandy. Both men lit cigars. 安德森先生倒了两杯白兰地,俩人都点起雪茄。 cri Anderson sat down to drink his brandy. He wanted to tell the landlord about the strange things he had seen. Suddenly a terrible noise came from the next room. 安德森先生坐下来喝白兰地,正当他想开口告诉旅馆老闆他看到的怪事时,隔壁房间突然传来很大的响声。 cri At present international spirits such as whisky and brandy account for less than 1% of the Chinese market. 现今,诸如威士忌和白兰地之类的国际烈酒在中国市场所占份额不足1%。 ecocn Baba and Rahim Khan were smoking pipes and sipping brandy when I came in. 我进去的时候,爸爸和拉辛汗边抽大烟边喝白兰地。 kekenet He's stocking up with wine and brandy for the party tonight. 他正在为今晚的聚会采购葡萄酒和白兰地。《21世纪大英汉词典》 His two companions seemed quite unsettled by this story, and as the flames crackled in the hearth they each took a copious mouthful of the brandy that was readily available nearby. 另外两个人听了他的故事都显得很不安,壁炉炉膛里传出噼噼啪啪的木柴燃烧的声音,他们都拿起身边的白兰地,大大地吞了一口。 eol In the morning, Katarina’s father gave me a flask of1978- vintage brandy, and I walked into the chilly rain. 第二天早上,凯塔琳娜的父亲给了我一瓶1978年产的白兰地,然后我走进了冰冷的雨中。 yeeyan My uncle tipples brandy. 我舅舅常饮白兰地。《21世纪大英汉词典》 She took out a brass box, in which there was a bottle of brandy made in France. 她取出一只黄铜盒子,里面有一瓶法国制造的白兰地酒。 ebigear Some physicians prescribe other stimulants in the place of brandy. 有些医生处方以别的兴奋剂代替白兰地。 i21st The bridegroom quaffed down a glass of brandy. 新郎将一杯白兰地酒一饮而尽。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The waiter took the brandy bottle and another saucer from the counter inside the cafe and marched out to the old man's table. 侍者从餐馆里的柜台上拿了一瓶白兰地和另一个茶托,大步走了出来,送到老人桌上。 ebigear The mince pie used to contain meat, hence the filling being called mincemeat, but now is a mixture of dried fruits, spices, fat and brandy. 以前这种肉馅饼里面只含肉,但是现在的口味不同,里面还加有干果,香料,奶油和白兰地。 kekenet The Tour is the toughest of all sporting events so it is understandable that the riders have sought help— over the years they have taken brandy, amphetamines and even the train. 鉴于环法赛事实乃诸种体育项目中最为艰苦之比赛,车手自然会寻求捷径——过去的岁月里他们尝试过白兰地、安非他命,甚至偷乘火车。 yeeyan Those brave enough to ride it were offered a stiff brandy at the top. 那些足够勇敢的顾客若能坐到顶层,便有货真价实的白兰地奉送。 ecocn Two cups of brandy, chalk it up to me, please. 来两杯白兰地,请记在我的账上。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Without a patient guide and a large glass of plum brandy, it all seems too intricate and unimportant. 如果没有一大杯洋李白兰地作陪下的耐心指导,它似乎太错综复杂和琐碎了。 ecocn Brandy is poured over the pudding, then lit. 白兰地斟在布丁上,然后点燃。 kekenet |