词汇 | 明目张胆 |
释义 | 明目张胆 辨形“张”,不能写作“仗”。 辨析参见“明火执仗”。。 辨形“张”,不能写作“仗”。 辨析见“明火执仗”。 歇后语大白天打劫;提着灯笼行窃 法文audacieusementeffrontément 俄文в открытуюнагло 德文offen und ohne Skrupel in hellem Tageslicht skrupellos 过了一段时间,褚遂良又被重用,恢复了中书令的官职。褚遂良便找了理由报复韦思谦,把他贬到外省,当一名县官。有人替韦思谦打抱不平,暗中去慰问韦思谦,他仍然不改初衷,慷慨激昂的说:“我是一个正直的人,遇见不合理的事情,当然不肯放过,哪里有时间考虑个人得失呢?大丈夫应该有话就说,明目张胆而不畏强权,致力报效国家,怎么可以庸庸碌碌,只顾着保护自己和家人的安全!” 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 But perhaps the most blatant attempts to downplay the disaster have come from the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov. Rigging elections has long been common in Russia too, but it has never been so brazen. But the German public was still shocked by the blatant cynicism of his final act. While the president convalesces, he will need to demonstrate that he still has fire in his belly, or ambitious PSUV faction leaders may well openly start to conspire against one another. To Citizens Against Government Waste, a watchdog group, he was a “ porker” of a politician who showed “a blatant disregard for the interests of taxpayers”. At times, the atmosphere of the conference felt far more brazenly left-wing than the Labour Party’s annual gathering usually is. But organised crime, often hidden from public view, may well continue to take a back seat to more obvious nuisances. The fact that such a brazen attack could take place in an area where U.S. and Iraqi officials had touted major security improvements is an ominous sign of the risks still posed by extremists. It may mean being deliberately, even brazenly, counter- culture by insisting that more is not better, and by finding your own meaning rather than letting society dictate your life to you. But would that cult still rule in a situation as stark as the one we now face, in which one party is clearly engaged in blackmail and the other is dickering over the size of the ransom? The new Human Rights Council is almost as ineffectual as its discredited predecessor, and is equally stuffed with flagrant human- rights violators. The film is the most flagrant example of American anti- Catholicism, some say, since the Know Nothings of the19th century. Some wore hoods up and scarves to mask their faces but others brazenly walked in. These lovely figurines allow you to see the variety of positions without the distraction of blatant nudity. It is worth recalling that the elections were so blatantly rigged that the regime remained almost entirely in military hands if not in military clothes. The vagueness of the legislation means that the authorities may prosecute for lavish entertainment as well as more blatant bribes. These prizes will eventually come anyway; and weak though parts of Europe are, the EU cannot be seen to trade them too nakedly. |
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