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词汇 无法无天
释义 无法无天 wú fǎ wú tiān 常用成语
totally devoid of conscience and respect for the law繁体無灋無天近义胡作非为;为非作歹反义安分守己;循规蹈矩辨析无法无天和“胡作非为”都指肆无忌惮地做坏事;有时可以通用。但“胡作非为”程度略轻一些;只形容肆无忌惮的干坏事。辨析无法无天和“胡作非为”都指肆无忌惮地做坏事;有时可以通用。但“胡作非为”程度略轻一些;只形容肆无忌惮的干坏事。谜语和尚打伞
法文ni foi ni loi
俄文не признавать никаких законовразгуляться вовсю
德文sich skrupellos über alles hinwegsetzen menschlichen und gǒttlichen Gesetzen trotzen统领的兵,一个个无法无天,我们的苦头也吃够了,实在说不出一个“好”字。 ★清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第十五回联合式:作谓语;定语;补语;指违法乱纪;含贬义。清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第三十三回:“你在家不读书也罢了,怎么又做出这无法无天的事来。”解释: 法:法纪。天:天理。无视法纪和天理。多形容违法乱纪,肆意妄为。明·月榭主人《钗钏记·会审》:“史直背却前盟,立意退婚……诬告枉罪,无法无天。”
老舍《骆驼祥子》五:“老头子一辈子天不怕地不怕,到了老年反倒怕起自己的女儿来,他自己在不大好意思之中想出点道理来:只要他怕个人,就是他并非完全是无法无天的人的证明。”近义词 不可一世胡作非为肆无忌惮为所欲为为非作歹耀武扬威横行霸道飞扬跋扈作威作福作奸犯科任性妄为专横跋扈妄作胡为暴戾恣睢桀骜不驯随心所欲胆大妄为恣意妄为
反义词 合情合理奉公守法安分守己规行矩步安分守纪循规蹈矩违法乱纪安分守已
示威者因无法无天的行为而被投入监狱。The demonstrators were thrown into prison for disorderly conduct.
她从不惩戒自己的孩子,因而他们都变得无法无天。She never disciplines her children and they are uncontrollable.
她从不管教自己的孩子,弄得他们无法无天。She never disciplines her children and they are uncontrollable.但有一种工作正公然受益于这种无法无天和令人绝望的境况——那就是海盗。
But one particular line of work— piracy— seems to be benefiting quite openly from all this lawlessness and desperation. yeeyan

In her eyes, however, Russia’s brutality did not absolve the Chechens’ own government of plunging the country into lawlessness. ecocn

But the stealthy lawlessness of car- burning in the dead of night seems less menacing than either British rioting or the racially charged violence in banlieues around Paris. ecocn

Even the oil-rich Shia south, considered comparatively stable a year or so ago, is lawlesssee article. ecocn

Even the oil- rich Shiah south, considered comparatively stable a year or so ago, is lawless. ecocn

The theft and violence and street crime and lawlessness in London is shocking. yeeyan

Yet in practice, we see that government officials belong to the most criminal and“ lawless” profession around. yeeyan

If such lawlessness continues, hopes an adviser to the governor, everyone will be begging for the police to come back and restore order. ecocn

Taken to its logical conclusion, it encompasses so much more: a complete and rapid breakdown of society, leading to desperation, lawlessness, wars and untold suffering. yeeyan

他死亡的那一天,他正在计划在瓦迪阿比达会晤基地也门分支的成员。 那里是一处位于也门首都东部偏远而无法无天的小平原,其上点缀着桔黄色的小树林。
The day he died, he was planning to meet members of Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch in Wadi Abeeda, a remote, lawless plain dotted with orange groves east of Yemen’s capital. yeeyan

Right now it's a domain of lawlessness. yeeyan

In 2001, Bin Laden fled Afghanistan before the US invasion and was believed to have taken refuge in the lawless tribal areas of north-west Pakistan. yeeyan

The lawlessness and carnage has led some Mexico- watchers to suggest the country is at risk of becoming a failed state. iciba

Battlefields, though, were not lawless places before this. ecocn

The Gulf of Guinea gets less attention than the waters off Somalia but is one of the world’s most lawless stretches. yeeyan

The shipping lanes in the Gulf of Aden, to Somalia's north, and the Indian Ocean, to the east of the lawless country, are among the busiest in the world. yeeyan




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