

单词 branch
释义 branch 英bræntʃ美bræntʃAHDbrănch ★★★☆☆高四研IT牛4COCA²²³⁴BNC¹⁷⁹⁵iWeb¹⁹⁴⁵Economist²⁸⁴⁸


one of the parts of a tree that grow out from the trunk


part of a big river, road and company, family

vi. 出枝

send out or divide into branches

vi. 分岔

divide into branches

a division of some larger or more complex organization;

a branch of Congress

botany is a branch of biology

the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages

a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a planta part of a forked or branching shape;

he broke off one of the branches

a natural consequence of developmenta stream or river connected to a larger oneany projection that is thought to resemble a human arm;

the arm of the record player

an arm of the sea

a branch of the sewer

grow and send out branches or branch-like structures;

these plants ramify early and get to be very large

divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork;

The road forks

branch, bough, shoot, spray, twig


1.branch为树枝的统称; twig指大树枝的细枝、嫩枝; shoot指植物的芽、嫩枝、新梢、苗; spray尤指有叶有花的树枝、花枝。

2.branch不分大小粗细; bough比较大; shoot最幼小; spray比shoot稍大、稍长一点。

He broke off a branch.他折断了一根树枝。
They built their small shelter with boughs.他们用大树枝搭起他们的小掩蔽处。
A few tender shoots of green had started to appear.几颗绿色的嫩芽开始出现了。
Dry twigs are good to start a fire with.干燥的细树枝用来生火很好。branch,brook,canal,creek,river,stream,torrent












用作名词 n.
动词+~break branches攀折枝条clip a branch剪枝cut down branches把树枝砍下来develop a branch发展分店form a branch开设分店open up a branch开分店形容词+~different branches不同的部门,分行executive branch行政部门important branch重要的部门various branches各个部门名词+~party branch党支部~+名词branch bank分行branch office分局branch point分支点,转移点branch post office邮电支局branch railway支线铁路branch school分校~+介词all branches of culture各个文化领域branches of learning学科的分支a branch of science一门学科用作动词 v.~+副词branch here在这里分岔branch off岔开,偏离branch out扩大活动范围~+介词branch into把…分成branch over伸展到…顶上
用作名词n.a branch of

一条,一支 a part of sth

among the branches

在树枝间 among of the part of a tree

branch off v.+adv.

岔开,偏离 leave a main road, an established course of action

branch offThe road to Oxford branches off here.通往牛津的大道在这里分岔。
The car in front of us suddenly branched off to the left.我们前面的那辆汽车突然转入左边的小路上去了。branch off from sthThey branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane.他们离开干道,转入乡间小路。
His talk branched off from the subject.他的话离开了正题。
branch out v.+adv.

扩大活动范围 add to the range of one's interests or activities

branch out into sthThe company began by specializing in radios but has now decided to branch out into computers.该公司开始时专营无线电器材,现在已决定扩展业务经营计算机了。branch out on sthShe's leaving the company to branch out on her own.她打算脱离这家公司,自己开公司。
branch over v.+prep.

伸展到…顶上 spread above sth

branch over sthThe tree near the house branched over the roof.房屋边那棵树的树枝伸展到屋顶上方去了。非常记忆bran不然+ch吃⇒只有努力不然只能吃树枝了近义词 limbpartshootdivisionoffshootn. boughtributarydepartmentsubdivision反义词 trunk树干
用作名词n.Branches of a tree grow from the trunk.一棵树的枝丫长自树干。
The branches broke his fall but he struck the ground heavily.有树枝挡着减轻了摔下来的力量,但他还是重重地摔在地上。
The branch bent but didn't break.树枝弯曲了,但没有折断。
You'll have to break the branches away to get through the thick forest.你得把树枝拨开才能穿过密林。
He broke that branch off.他将那树枝折下来。
The branch bent when the boy climbed onto it.那男孩爬上树枝时,树枝弯了下来。
The branches of the apple trees are bending under the weight of the fruit.这棵苹果树的树枝都给结的果实压弯了。
All the people from the village gathered branches and beat the fire out.全村人都敛集树枝,把火扑灭了。
In the spring wind, all the trees are quivering their branches.在春风中,所有树木的枝条都随风摇摆着。
Its branches spread far and wide.它的枝条向四面八方伸展开来。
The branches could hardly sustain the weight of fruit.树枝已很难支撑水果的重量。
The falling branch knocked him on the head.落下来的树枝打在他的头上。
He was dragging a great branch along.他正拖着一根大树枝走。
The branches hung down and touched the water.树枝下垂,触及水面。
The branch began to bend as I climbed along it.我沿树枝爬时它弯了下来。
The branch flipped back and scratched his face.树枝弹回来擦破了他的脸。
There's a bird's nest in the place where the branch forks.在树枝分岔的地方有个鸟巢。
The branch went completely dry this summer.这条支流今年夏天完全干涸了。
The firm arranged that he should be assigned to the branch office.公司安排他到分公司去工作。
His uncle's branch of the family emigrated to Australia.他的家族中叔父这一支系已移居澳大利亚。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe tree branches forth in spring.树木在春天抽枝。
The road branches here.路在这儿分岔。
Turn right where the road branches.在这条路的分岔处往右拐。
The road branches after the level-crossing.这条路在经过平面交叉道口后岔开了。QP-branchQ支零支Pbranchless无分支的Psub-branch分支支行Punbranched无支链的P P-branchP分支负分支R P-branchR分支正分支Panabranchn.再会流侧流Pbranchya.多枝的枝繁的Pbranch-and-bound分支定界Pdisbranchvt.剪断采折修剪Pbranchingn.分歧a.发枝的分歧的Pembranchmentn.支流分支机构分支支脉Psubbranchn.支店次级分店vi.分成小分支



branch常与介词of连用, a branch of后可接不可数名词,表示“某物的一支”。




branch是不及物动词,常与副词off, out连用。

用作名词Can we drop the car off at any of yourbranch?我们可以在你们的任何一家分公司还车吗?
Mr. Smith works in an executivebranchof the government.史密斯先生在政府的行政部门工作。
Send these orders down to ourbranchoffice.把这些订货单发送到我们的分店。
Gynaecology is abranchof medicine.妇科学是医学的一个分科。
The gardener cut off abranchfrom the tree.园丁从树上砍下一根树枝。
The olivebranchis the emblem of peace.橄榄枝是和平的象征。用作动词Follow the main road until itbranches, and then turn to the right.顺着这条大路走,在路的分岔口向右拐。
She's leaving the company tobranchout on her own.她打算脱离这家公司,自己开业。noun.department
同义词 arm,bureau,chapter,division,member,office,section,subsidiary,wingannex,category,classification,connection,dependency,derivative,extension,local,outpost,part,portion,subdivision,subsection,tributary
反义词 wholecompanynoun.arm, limb
同义词 wingbough,branchlet,bug,detour,divergence,extension,fork,growth,offshoot,prong,scion,shoot,spray,sprig
反义词 decrease,reduction,sourcecompany
affiliatenoun organization that is associated with another
affiliatesnoun organization that is associated with another
armnoun narrow body of water
articlenoun section of document
associatenoun colleague
accessory,accomplice,affiliate,aid,ally,assistant,auxiliary,branch,buddy,chum,clubber,co-worker,cohort,collaborator,companion,compatriot,comrade,confederate,consort,cooperator,crony,fellow,friend,helper,joiner,kissing cousin,mate,offshoot,one of the folks,pal,pard,partner,peer,playmate,sidekick
bifurcateverb divide into two branches
bisect,branch,diverge,divide,fork,furcate,ramify,separate,split A snake can coil itself up or coil around a branch.

A variant of this pattern in activity form could use an activity with several disjoint input and output criteria— one for each branch of the gateways.
在活动形式中,此模式的变种可以使用具有多个独立输入和输出条件的活动,即一个条件对应于网关的一个分支。 ibm

An obvious limitation of this approach is that for each new error handling process a new decision branch must be created.
这种方法的一个明显的局限性是,必须为每个新的错误处理流程创建一个新的决策分支。 ibm

As the branch of government with the power of the purse, we really have no other reasonable choice when the economy is in the shape it is in.
对于这个拥有控制我们钱包权力的“政府部门”,由于经济命脉都握于其手,我们真的没有其他合理的选择了。 yeeyan

At that point we can and should publish to the trunk, i. e. take all new code on the work branch and copy over to the trunk.
此时我们可以而且应该将此分支公开发布到主干上,比如将工作分支上所有的新代码复制到主干上。 infoq

At each node, you answer the question and move on that branch, until you reach a leaf that answers yes or no.
在每个节点,您都会回答这个问题并继续沿着分支下移,直到您到达一个回答了是或不是的叶子节点。 ibm

Changes might be made in the trunk, without being made in my work branch first!
变更可能先在主干中发生,而不会先出现在我的工作分支中! infoq

Do you have an integration branch?
你有一个集成分支吗? ibm

Each node can be either a branch or a leaf.
每个节点都可以是一个分支或者是一个叶子。 ibm

He rived a branch away from the tree.

His speciality was psychology-- one important branch on the great tree of knowledge.

However, in the main loop, you have a conditional branch.
然而,在主循环中,您使用了一个条件分支。 ibm

In it, he argued that psychiatry was a branch of medical science and should be investigated by observation and experimentation like the other natural sciences.
在书中,他主张精神病学是医学的一个分支,应当像其他自然科学一样以观察和实验为研究手段。 yeeyan

In this simple example, it is easy to track the original and branch requirements.
在这个简单的例子中,很容易追踪原始的和分支的需求。 ibm

Merge down the latest from the work branch, and check in your code.
从工作分支中取得并合并最新的代码,然后检入你的代码。 infoq

Merges changes from one branch to another.
将一个分支的更改合并到另一个。 ibm

Near the center of each drawn transition is a branch node.
靠近每一个绘制转换中心的是一个分支节点。 ibm

One branch of the field is quantum computing.
这一领域的一个分支是量子计算机。 yeeyan

So if the results are different, do you branch or not?
如果结果不同,是否需要进行分支处理呢? ibm

Theoretically this should be fine since the trunk is the Done branch and the definition of Done is“ releasable”.
理论上来说,这样做没有问题;因为主干是“完成”分支,而“完成”的定义就是“可发布的”。 infoq

They have decided to close that branch down.

When do you create a branch type?
什么时候创建一个分支类型? ibm

With my definition of Done“ releasable” that means there must be some branch in the system that you could release from in order to get that story into production.
使用我的关于“完成”的定义“可发布”,就意味着系统中的某个分支可以发布,这样该用户故事对应的功能就可以进入到生产系统之中了。 infoq

Yet if the bread chapter stands out for its clarity and utility, it also points out the inherent oddness of this branch of science.
然而,如果说面包的章节独具其透彻与实用性的话,那么本书同样还指出了这门科学分支所固有的奇妙之处。 ecocn

You could even cut the branch on which the snake is, so the snake falls and not you.
你甚至可以砍断有蛇的那个树枝,所以掉下去的是蛇,而不是你。 yeeyan




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