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词汇 无伤大雅
释义 无伤大雅 wú shāng dà yǎ 常用成语
no serious harm is done繁体無傷大雅近义无关大局;无足挂齿反义损伤根本;元气大伤正音“伤”,不能读作“sāng”;“大”,不能读作“dài”。正音“伤”,不能读作“sāng”;“大”,不能读作“dài”。谜语白璧微瑕
俄文большой беды нет就是甜味,也各具特色,有些是蜜糖般甜,有些是在甜中略带一点轻微的,“无伤大雅”和酸味。秦牧《“果王”的美号》动宾式:作谓语;定语;指不碍事;含贬义。清 吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第25回:“像这种当个顽意儿,不必问他真的假的,倒也无伤大雅。”解释: 伤:妨害,损害。雅:正,正当。对事物的主要方面没有什么妨害。清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》二五回:“像这种当个玩意儿,不必问他真的假的,倒也无伤大雅;至于那一种妄谈祸福的,就要不得。”
张洁《听彗星无声地滑行》:“一般说来,这就是艾玛的阅读方式。经常对她喜爱的段落;句子等等,做一点无伤大雅或反其道而行之的篡改。”近义词 无关大局无伤大体无足挂齿无关宏旨无关痛痒
反义词 损伤根本非同儿戏人命关天生死攸关元气大伤性命交关非同小可
那是个无伤大雅的骗术,开个玩笑而已。It was an innocent deception, meant as a joke.不必责怪他们,而是让他们知道,那些对他们无伤大雅的流言蜚语却是你的隐私。
Without accusing them, acknowledge that what seems like harmless gossip to them is personal to you. yeeyan

But they often struggle to distinguish between indecent imagery and more innocuous pictures with large flesh-coloured regions, such as a person in swimwear or a close-up face. yeeyan

Still, it's hard to gauge how family members will react, even to the most innocuous statements. iciba

They had entertained a good deal during the winter; much of the time had also been passed in New Orleans in various forms of mild dissipation. yeeyan

And in the cold light of an employment tribunal, what seemed like harmless banter about the marketing manager's new hairdo can sound like a character assassination. yeeyan

The sexes also differed in their approach to straying. Half of men thought it was harmless to lust after someone other than their partner, compared to 33 percent of women. iciba

The Wisconsin researchers say that some of the monkey deaths were not related to age and can properly be excluded. yeeyan

To get him to see me less professionally, I would pepper in innocuous personal questions, asking about his weekend or what he had for lunch. yeeyan

Think about how topics that seem/span> innocuous to you might upset someone else. yeeyan

This play at being a little in love was agreeable. jukuu

Some insignificant remark or action, not getting a satisfactory reply to a question or just moodiness are enough to set fire and cause anger, snappy remarks, arguments and even physical fights. yeeyan

Thanks to the urbanization of cats and their feces, almost a third of the human population now has a chronic, latent, and seemingly innocuous Toxo infection. yeeyan

The bar counter is probably the only site in Britain where friendly conversation with strangers is considered appropriate.

在最低风险权重资产占总资产比率最低的25家银行中,大部分有无伤大雅的解释,将未受巴塞尔协议 III的影响。
Among the25 banks with the lowest ratios of RWA to total assets, most have innocuous explanations and will be largely unaffected by Basel III. yeeyan

These frivolous calculations illustrate the vast scale of China’s reserves but also the great difficulty it faces in diversifying them. yeeyan

What this heralds is a clampdown on government spending that will reshape the public services far more fundamentally than the prime minister’s innocuous reform. ecocn

The new edict is to substitute Zeus for God, Roman mythology being deemed suitably innocuous. yeeyan

Before you race off to the doctor for every lump or discoloration, remember that anomalies you've had for years are more likely to be a harmless part of your genetic makeup. ebigear

It’s just a bit of harmless fun. There is no difference between this and Mothers or Fathers Day. iciba

It seemed like a fairly innocuous revelation until people pointed out that Pitt was still married to Jennifer Aniston at the time. ebigear




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