词汇 | 敬而远之 |
释义 | 敬而远之 辨形“敬”,不能写作“近”。 辨形“敬”,不能写作“近”。 法文respecter mais s'en tenir à l'écartne pas offenser mais garder ses distances 俄文уважать,но держаться на расстоянии 德文sich von jm distanzieren sich jm nur auf Armeslǎnge nǎhern 反义词 But as this study points out, even a well- meaning ban on tobacco may sometimes push away the very people who treatment centers are trying to help. However, the other driver is also much more likely to be seriously hurt, which explains why most drivers give these cars a wide berth. But as long as they persist, development will be stymied, confidence in the government will crumble and investors will stay away. Cuckoos would have good reason to do so, since the warblers and other small birds in whose nests they lay their eggs are understandably frightened of hawks, and give them a wide berth. For years, shares and bonds from emerging markets made investors wary. When you are insulated by a traveling companion or group, strangers are likely to keep their distance. Despite my willingness to get up close and personal with the needle in the booth, I walk to the Dumpster with the trash bag between two fingers, at arm’s length. But politicians of all persuasions shied away from raising the age beyond65, even though it was originally set in1925 when life expectancy was much lower. Do you think predators are dangerous and need to be avoided? Do you think predators are dangerous and need to be avoided? Well, there are people who will disagree with you. I don't have any foreign bond funds myself; I was turned off long ago by their risk and illiquidity. Mr Reagan's empathy with ordinary people was never, like Bill Clinton's, a matter of genuine human warmth; in many respects he was a rather distant man and president. Many other countries and international organizations have begun to shy away from dam building. In this case, a poor knowledge of their history goes a long way to convincing others to stay away, but it can be a dangerous illusion. This will cause huge difficulties for him, especially if Nigeria's disillusioned Western backers give the country a wider berth. In lending markets, other banks were shying away from UBS, this person said. Later shunned by a number of Arab states, partly on the basis of his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Gaddafi's foreign policy focus shifted from the Arab world to Africa. Even if the more likely immediate prospect is sustained stress in the Italian bond market, that will surely prompt investors to flee European assets, making the continent’s recovery ever harder. |
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