

单词 救死扶伤
释义 救死扶伤 jiù sǐ fú shāng 常用成语
heal the wounded and rescue the dying繁体捄死扶傷近义治病救人反义落井下石正音“扶”,不能读作“fū”。
法文sauver les mourants,soigner les blessés
俄文лечить от ран,спасáть от смéрти
德文Menschen vor dem Tod retten und Verwundete heilen做外科医生的能够以肉补肉,以血补血,则救死扶伤,造福人群,岂不大哉!姚雪垠《李自成》第二卷第十四章西汉时期,史学家司马迁因李陵事件被汉武帝打入大牢,被处以腐刑。他的朋友任安来信要他“慎于接物,推贤进士”。任安也因事下狱当斩,司马迁给他写信,叙述自己是怎样忍受痛苦活下来。他当时为李陵辩护,说他英勇善战,使敌人无暇救死扶伤。联合式:作定语;宾语;分句;指医生的职责;含褒义。汉·司马迁《报任少卿书》:“与单于连战,十有余日,所杀过半当,虏救死扶伤不给。”解释: 死:指生命垂危的人。扶:扶助,帮助。救护生命垂危的人,帮助受伤的人。《汉书·李陵传》:“且陵提步卒不满五千,深𫐓戎马之地,抑数万之师,虏救死扶伤不暇。”
阎真《沧浪之水》六七:“医生的职责就是救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义。”近义词 行医治病救人解民倒悬救苦救难普渡众生解衣推食
反义词 落井下石杀人如麻自顾不暇杀人不眨眼
医生们和护士们密切合作,共同救死扶伤。Doctors and nurses work hand in hand to save lives.救死扶伤,银行家和政治科学家,他启动农业国转变为一个工业强国。
Soldier, banker, and political scientist, he set in motion an agrarian nation's transformation into an industrial power. blog.sina.com.cn

Saving lives is what doctors should do. nciku

Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession. huixue

Though it may look like a coffin- tank, this robotic crawler is actually just the opposite-- a rescue machine that can transport one person to safety. yeeyan

In such conditions, we had two years of life- saving work. zyynb

Only the anesthesia people master fixed physical knowledge and techniques, can they be qualified for the work and be sure to act as white-cloth soldiers in life rescues. chemyq

Would you rather be a rich and famous movie star or a great doctor who saves a lot of people but is not wealthy or well known? blog.sina.com.cn

They are not only the angles in white but also the friendly ambassadors spreading China-Africa friendship and promoting China-Africa cooperation. www.fmprc.gov.cn

The transplanting of human organs has brought about a revolution for our medical treating. chemyq

He notes most life- saving operations have taken place. voanews

I'm a doctor dedicated to curing the sick, at least trying to. chinabroadcast

I'm a doctor, do you know, I've been on night shift, saving lives healing wounds serving the people, now I need to rest. blog.sina.com.cn

We have to fix this problem so that our doctors can get paid for the life- saving services they provide and keep their doors open. hjenglish

Because of its long and demanding training and its control over life and death, the medical profession has the top-paying careers. yeeyan

In the exercise of his skill, the appearance and the story of the Bastille Captive removed him from all other men. jukuu

This has enabled us to build up the trust of local government so that we can now enter into an exciting new partnership. www.hand.org.cn

It is the wonder one doctor can do and save one’s life. yeeyan

Gongzhuling City hospital of Chinese medicine based on life-saving, people-oriented work ethic, and AIDS patients to do due diligence, will be treated equally by the patients of the community. chinavalue

Someone has published a list online of doctors helping protesters, warning people not to go to them, as if it were a crime to be doing their job. ecocn

他今年48岁,是个医生,其职业核心就是救死扶伤,为重症病人治病。 可是,2006年12月,他自己竟被诊断有癌症。
A48-year-old physician whose career has centred on treating seriously ill patients, Burgh was diagnosed with cancer in December2006. yeeyan

医者仁心,救死扶伤,医生本不应拒绝 HIV阳性病人的手术,也希望拒绝为 HIV感染者做手术的事情不再发生。
In any event I would not want this type of procedure to be done by any idiot who would refuse on the basis of HIV status. They are obviously ignorant and not a good doctor. itpc-china.org




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