

单词 Brahmani
释义 brah·ma·ni AHD-nē,-ni
After completing the Tantrik sadhana Sri Ramakrishna followed theBrahmaniin the disciplines of Vaishnavism.坦陀罗成就法结束之后,室利罗摩克里希纳跟着女婆罗门进行毗瑟奴派修持。
When Sri Ramakrishna told Mathur what theBrahmanihad said about him, Mathur shook his head in doubt.室利罗摩克里希纳把女婆罗门的话告诉了马图尔,马图尔不信地摇摇头。
Now he accepted theBrahmanias his guru and set foot on the traditional highways.现在他接受这位女婆罗门为自己的古鲁,开始踏上传统的求道之路。
Whereupon theBrahmaniasked Mathur to arrange a conference of scholars who should discuss the matter with her.于是,女婆罗门要求马图尔安排一个学者研讨会,与她讨论这个问题。
TheBrahmani, like a proud mother, proclaimed her view before him and supported it with quotations from the scriptures.这位女婆罗门像一位自豪的母亲,在他面前声称自己的观点,还引经据典来支持。
TheBrahmaniwas the enthusiastic teacher and astonished beholder of Sri Ramakrishna in his spiritual progress.女婆罗门是位热心的教师,惊讶地看到室利罗摩克里希纳的灵性进展。




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