

单词 Brahe
释义 Brahe 英brɑː, ˈbrɑːhiː, ˈbrɑːə美brɑ, ˈbrɑhi, ˈbrɑəAHDbrä, bräʹhē, bräʹə COCA⁷³¹⁴⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺

Danish astronomer whose observations of the planets provided the basis for Kepler's laws of planetary motion 1546-1601 In preparation for the June3 launch, Tycho Brahe is hoisted atop the HEAT-1X rocket engine in an undated picture.
一张未标明日期的照片上,第谷·布拉赫号为了准备6月3日的发射,项上悬挂着热火-1X号火箭发动机。 yeeyan

Space is extremely limited inside Tycho Brahe, though the developers say a larger version may be in the works if all goes well.
第谷·布拉赫号内部相当狭窄,尽管开发者表示如果一切顺利的话可能会出现更大的版本。 yeeyan

The gardens that Brahe installed around his observatory are in the process of being restored by the Swedish government.
瑞典政府现在正在恢复第谷建在天文台周围的花园。 yeeyan

But what Brahe saw wasn't a new star. It was actually an old star undergoing the brilliantly bright death of a supernova.
不过,布拉赫看到的不是一颗新的星星,它实际上是一颗古老的星星,这颗星星正在经历一颗超新星的光彩绚烂之死。 chinabaike

But it would take Johannes Kepler, building on work performed by Tyco Brahe and others, to establish a clear scientific foundation for the planets' movements.
然而直到约翰内斯·开普勒在第谷·布拉赫及他人成果的基础上做了进一步研究之后,行星运动的科学基础才得以建立。 yeeyan

Copernicus and Kepler built on the observations of Tycho Brahe and found that we were not the center of the universe; other planets revolved around the sun, and so do we.
哥白尼和开普勒在第谷的观察数据基础上发现,我们并不是这个宇宙的中心,其它行星围绕着太阳旋转,我们的地球也是如此。 yeeyan

During its test flight, Tycho Brahe reached a height of1.7 miles2.8 kilometers, the Post reported.
邮报报道说,在试飞期间,第谷·布拉赫到达了1.7公里2.8千米的高度。 yeeyan

Friday's flight gave the Tycho Brahe scientists data on what kind of g-forces and temperature changes an astronaut-pilot would experience.
周五的飞行使第谷·布拉赫号的科学家们记录下了宇航员将经历怎样的重力和温度改变。 yeeyan

However, the launch of Tycho Brahe will be Denmark's biggest.
然而,第谷·布拉赫的发射将成为丹麦最大的一次。 yeeyan

I will show you here the data that Kepler had available in1618, largely from the work done by, of course, astronomers, observers like Tycho Brahe and others.
我会给你们看开普勒,在1618年公布的数据,大部分来自于,天文学家,观察家,像 Tycho, Brahe或者其他人。 open.163.com

I sit writing this from the hangar- sized Tycho Brahe plenary hall.
我坐在飞机舱大小的弟谷会议大厅写着这些。 ecocn

In the Tycho Brahe craft, the astronaut-pilot or crash- test dummy, as pictured half- stands, half- sits— strapped in except for his or her arms.
在第谷·布拉赫号飞船中,宇航员或者碰撞测试假人,如图半站半坐,除了手臂外,都被皮带捆绑着。 yeeyan

In the vent of a suborbital launch, the booster would be jettisoned before Tycho Brahe spacecraft reaches zero gravity.
在次轨道发射的尽头,助推器将在第谷·布拉赫达到零重力状态之前被剥离。 yeeyan

Seen from above, the spacecraft Tycho Brahe is settled onto the HEAT-1X rocket engine.
从高空往下看,航天飞机第谷·布拉赫号正被安置到热火-1X火箭发动机上。 yeeyan

The HEAT1X rocket and Tycho Brahe spacecraft stand assembled and ready to launch in an undated picture.
在这张未标注时间的图片中,热火1X号火箭和第谷·布拉赫航天飞船装配完毕准备发射。 yeeyan




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