词汇 | 改过自新 |
释义 | 改过自新 辨析改过自新和“痛改前非”;都有“改正错误”的意思。但改过自新偏重对未来;强调在重新做人上;“痛改前非”偏重对过去;强调在改正错误的彻底性上。 辨析改过自新和“痛改前非”;都有“改正错误”的意思。但改过自新偏重对未来;强调在重新做人上;“痛改前非”偏重对过去;强调在改正错误的彻底性上。 俄文испрáвиться и стать другим человéком 德文seine Fehler überwinden und ein neuer Mensch werden 汉文帝四年公元前176年,有人上书朝廷控告他,根据刑律罪状,要押解到长安去。淳于意有五个女儿,跟在后面哭泣。他发怒而骂道:“生孩子不生男孩,到紧要关头就没有可用的人!”最小的女儿缇萦听了父亲的话很感伤,就跟随父亲西行到了长安。 她上书朝廷说:“我父亲是朝廷的官吏,齐国人民都称赞他的廉洁公正,现在犯法被判刑。我非常痛心处死的人不能再生,而受刑致残的人也不能再复原,即使想改过自新,也无路可行,最终不能如愿。我情愿自己入官府做奴婢,来赎父亲的罪,使父亲能有改过自新的机会。” 汉文帝看了缇萦的上书,悲悯她的心意,于是赦免了淳于意,并在这一年废除了肉刑。 反义词 Moreover, though the country’s politicians may be a sorry lot, their correction is better left to the voters. Nothing says rehabilitation like rhythm. Here, prisoners and their instructor get down during a music class. Offenders who appeared prone to recidivism in this case those with previous convictions were more likely to be turned down, as were those who were not in a rehabilitation programme. At the time Apple claimed that Foxconn had cleaned up its act and it would continue to use the subcontractor. But then he receives an unexpected gift from his estranged father that resets that compass: six gentoo penguins. Though some sex offenders are incorrigible, many have done their time and turned their lives around. He said he knows it was wrong and he felt terrible about it, and said that if he would forgive him he'd put the right foot forward. He amends day by day. I just wanted to get my own heart right before God. A special group has been set up in the school to help her. It worked. Nearly all the dealers reformed, bar the odd bit of shoplifting. |
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