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词汇 bradshaw
释义 brad·shaw AHDˈbrad₍ˌ₎shȯ COCA²²⁰²²BNC¹⁴⁶⁹⁶
By John Bradshaw. Basic Books;324 pages; $25.99.
约翰•布拉德肖; Basic Books出版社出版;324页;售价25.99美元; ecocn

He was interviewed by Pittsburgh psychiatrist and Steelers fan Alan Axelson, M. D. Bradshaw took a winding path to a psychiatrist's office.
布拉德肖犹豫着走进精神科医师的办公室,接受了精神病学家艾伦·阿克赛尔森匹兹堡钢人队球迷的治疗。 yeeyan

Ms. Bradshaw is the most self-involved person in the world.
Bradshaw是世界上最自私的人。 yeeyan

The first player chosen in the1970 draft, the6-foot-3-inch Bradshaw became one of the most prolific quarterbacks in history.
1970年赛季,第一次参加橄榄球员选秀,6英尺3英寸的 Bradshaw成为了历史上成就最斐然的四分卫。 yeeyan

When the conversation ended and Bradshaw stood to leave, Axelson walked over and gave him a big hug, to appreciative applause from the audience.
会谈结束后布拉德肖起身离开,阿克赛尔森走过去给了他一个大大的拥抱,观众也鼓起了赞赏的掌声。 yeeyan

“ Domestication has been a long and complex process, ” Mr Bradshaw writes.
“驯化是个十分漫长并复杂的过程”布拉德肖在书中写道。 ecocn

But Mr Bradshaw is also fearful. In particular, he deplores the incestuous narrowing of the gene pool that modern pedigree breeders have brought about.
但布拉德肖也有担忧,他尤其反对现今为保证狗种纯正而让狗近亲繁殖,导致狗的基因库缩小。 ecocn

Followers of the hit US TV series Sex and the City may remember that one of Carrie Bradshaw's boyfriends broke up with her via a Post-it note.
热门电视剧《欲望都市》的粉丝们可能记得,凯莉·布兰肖的一个男友就曾通过便利贴说分手。 kekenet

Frustratingly, Bradshaw tells us nothing of the histories of Pilanesberg's rhino population, and too little of their fate.
很令人失望,布拉德肖没有向我们谈到兰斯堡犀牛种群的历史,也很少讲到他们的命运。 yeeyan

Hall of Famer and four- time Super Bowl champion quarterback Terry Bradshaw will be the “ Conversations” guest at APA's annual meeting in New Orleans.
名人堂 Hall of Famer及四次超级杯冠军四分卫 Terry Bradshaw将是 APA新奥尔良年度会议的“会谈”嘉宾。 yeeyan

He had been drinking, and when his wife said she was leaving with her friend, Leslie Bradshaw, they began to fight.
他一直不停地喝酒。而当他的妻子说,她和她的朋友,莱斯利-布拉德肖,打算离开时,他们就吵了起来。 yeeyan

He said on the murderous night, he just“ snapped, ” and he admitted that he killed Leslie Bradshaw and attacked his wife.
他说在杀人那天夜里,他只是“突然抓狂”,他承认,他杀死了-莱斯利-布拉德肖和刀砍他的妻子。 yeeyan

In her search to explain the bizarre behavior of the young males, Bradshaw focuses almost entirely on the trauma they suffered when their families were shot during culling.
在寻找解释年轻雄象古怪行为的时候,布拉德肖的注意力几乎主要集中于在他们的亲人遭到猎杀时所受的心理创伤。 yeeyan

In an interview with USA Today that same year, Bradshaw talked about the deep depression he experienced following a divorce.
同年,在接受今日美国采访时, Bradshaw谈论了他在离婚后感到的深深地苦闷。 yeeyan

Mr Bradshaw is yet to test his underwear with a scanner but has written to the Department of Transport to seek approval.
勃兰肖先生仍然在用扫描仪检测他发明的内裤,而且已经上报给运输相关部门请求批准。 cri

Mr Bradshaw argues that the theory behind this approach is based on bad and outdated science.
布拉德肖认为这种训狗方式背后的指导思想是过时的谬误理论。 ecocn

My executive assistant shares my office at Hamilton Bradshaw in Mayfair, but I can normally do two or three meetings from here before I leave.
我的高级助理在梅菲尔的哈密尔顿布拉德肖处与我公用办公室。但是一般在我离开这里前会组织两三次会议。 yeeyan

Prosecutors charged Waldroup with the felony murder of Bradshaw, which carries the death penalty, and attempted first- degree murder of his wife.
公诉人指控沃尔德鲁普,犯有谋杀布拉德肖的严重罪行,足以判死刑,以及企图谋杀他的妻子的一级谋杀罪。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, the implications of Bradshaw's extraordinary opening premise are not fully explored in her book.
很可惜,在她的书中,布拉德肖出色的基本假设在书中没有得到充分探讨。 yeeyan

Very few people would accept Bradshaw's premise uncritically, so it's important that we explore the nature of the relationship between humans and elephants.
很少有人不加批评地完全接受布拉德肖的假设,因此,我们来探讨人象关系的本质就很重要。 yeeyan

Yes, I’m sorry, but Carrie Bradshaw dresses like a moron.
的确,我很遗憾,但是 Carrie Bradshaw穿的像个傻瓜。 yeeyan

Bradshaw is also the author of five books and is a widely sought- after motivational speaker, speaking to Fortune 500 companies and major corporations across the country.
Bradshaw还写过5本书,是备受热捧的立志演说家。在美国,他给500强企业和许多法人企业做报告。 yeeyan

Bradshaw talks of creating enormous wild areas for the use of elephants—areas large enough for them to migrate in search of food and water.
布拉德肖谈到为大象创造大片的野生地带——大到足够他们迁徙寻找食物和水。 yeeyan




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