

单词 brad
释义 brad 英bræd美brædAHDbrăd 高COCA⁶¹⁶¹BNC²⁵²⁵⁹iWeb²⁷⁴⁴⁸
a small nail
fasten with brads来自PIE *bhars, 刺。词源同bur, bristle.brad setter线脚钉夹钳brad awl锥钻floor brad地板钉brad nail曲头钉glazing brad玻璃钉molders brad砂型钉brad punch钉具wire brad角钉
as in.bolt
同义词 fastener,latch,pipe,rivet,rod,spikebar,catch,coupling,dowel,lock,padlock,skewer,stake,studsliding bar
反义词 keyas in.tack
同义词 nail,point,pushpin,staple,thumbtack
boltnoun lock;part of lock
bar,catch,coupling,dowel,fastener,latch,lock,padlock,pipe,rivet,rod,skewer,sliding bar,spike,stake,stud
tacknoun short pin for attaching
brad,nail,point,pushpin,staple,thumbtack At the time Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel, said that it was better to do business inside the country than to boycott it.
那时微软法律总顾问布拉德.斯密斯称,微软最好是在中国做生意而不是抵制政府。 yeeyan

Oh, and they sex up Brad Pitt.
对了,她们还色诱了布拉德-皮特。 yeeyan

“All of us have the ability to store all this information and the difference with Brad is he can retrieve it, ” Eric Williams said.
埃里克说:“我们每个人的大脑都有储存信息的能力,但布拉德与常人的不同在于,他能回忆起这些信息。” ebigear

After her husband, Brad, encouraged her to get help five years later, she called the Contact Rape Crisis Center in Huntington, West Virginia, her hometown.
五年来在丈夫布莱德的鼓励下,她终于愿意接受一家位于家乡西弗吉尼亚惠灵顿的强暴危机中心的帮助。 yeeyan

Aha, Brad has asked me this question.
啊,布拉德问过我这个问题。 hxen

Angelina Jolie raises six children with her man Brad Pitt, and she says she wants nothing more for her kids than for them to be comfortable with themselves.
安吉丽娜-朱莉与布拉德-比特一道抚养着六个孩子,而对朱莉来说,没有什么比让子女们成为有着独立而完整个性的个体更重要的事了。 hxen

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's baby went on display Wednesday at a wax museum.
安吉丽娜茱莉和布拉德皮特的孩子周三被展出在一个蜡像馆里。 ebigear

Besides, greasy hair is not a good look on anybody, even if they look like Brad Pitt.
况且,油头在任何人身上都不好看,即使他们长得像布拉德皮特。 yeeyan

But people without a flair for languages find the “ Brad Pitt” method tricky— actors speak too fast.
但是没有语言天赋的人们通常会觉得“布拉德.皮特”的语言很棘手——演员说得太快。 ecocn

David Beckham and Brad Pitt are believed to be among the celebrities and sportsmen who bought villas in Palm Jumeirah in Dubai, a luxury development that juts out into the Gulf.
明星及运动员们纷纷购买位于迪拜朱美拉棕榈岛一个伸入海湾的高档住宅区上的别墅,据悉,这其中就有大卫贝克汉姆和布拉德皮特。 iciba

First of all, Brad and Angelina have one nanny for each of their six children.
首先,布拉德和安吉丽娜的孩子们每人都配备有一名保姆。 ebigear

George has been reported as saying that Brad and Jennifer are in good spirits and on good terms.
乔治对媒体表示,布拉德和詹尼弗现在的精神状况都很好,他们也保持着良好的关系。 cri

If we elect Brad Pitt mayor, Angelina Jolie would be the First Lady of New Orleans.
如果布拉德皮特当选的话,安吉丽娜朱莉就会成为新奥尔良的第一夫人啦。 yeeyan

On McCauley's farm, his son Brad charges back and forth over the land in a self-propelled sprayer.
在麦考雷的农场,麦考雷的儿子布拉德在农场里跑前跑后地调整着一台自动农药喷洒机。 yeeyan

Previously passed around between numerous directors and actors, The Tourist finally got the greenlight when Jolie wanted to film somewhere nice while Brad Pitt waited for Moneyball to start shooting.
《游客》在拍摄前曾经过多位导演和演员之手,最终拍板是因为朱莉决定找个不错的地方陪着布莱德皮特等待《点球成金》的开拍。 yeeyan

Smith was the only person to receive a perfect score of10, edging out Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Angelina Jolie, who all tied for second with scores of9.89.
史密斯是唯一得到满分10分的演员,他挤掉得分9.89,并列第二的约翰尼德普,布拉德皮特,莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥和安吉丽娜朱丽,荣登榜首。 yeeyan

Soon enough, we bought it, before Brad and I even had seen it.
很快,在我和布莱德还没见过房子的情况下,我们就把它买下了。 cri

This was before the Brad Pitt stuff.
还是在布拉德皮特他们之前。 yeeyan

Brad and I fixed our side of the house up.
布莱德将我俩住的这边修整了一番。 cri

Brad infers from this cloud of points that higher unemployment typically points to more rapid subsequent growth.
布拉德从这个云点图推断,高失业率一般可以使未来的经济增长更迅速。 yeeyan




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