词汇 | 操之过急 |
释义 | 操之过急 辨形“急”,不能写作“及”。 辨析操之过急和“急于求成”;都含有“做事急着要成功”的意思。不同在于:①操之过急偏重在“急”;指急躁;“急于求成”偏重在“成”;指成功。②两者都指可能做成一件事;但操之过急还可指解决一个问题。 辨形“急”,不能写作“及”。 辨析操之过急和“急于求成”;都含有“做事急着要成功”的意思。不同在于:①操之过急偏重在“急”;指急躁;“急于求成”偏重在“成”;指成功。②两者都指可能做成一件事;但操之过急还可指解决一个问题。 歇后语魏武挥鞭;曹操杀蔡瑁 德文übereilt handeln überstürzt vorgehen 【注意】❶多用于规劝;提醒或批评的场合。❷含贬义。 反义词 But during the Asian financial crisis of1997-98, Mr Anwar moved too soon against his mentor, who after16 years in power was not ready to bow out. Alstom says that it raised concerns months ago that inviting bids for trains with distributed power before these rules were clarified was jumping the gun. ONCE upon a time it was considered indecent to turn living people into myths, or even into films, with too much haste. The cycle seems to be shorter now. Often impulsive, occasionally over- eager, Danny had to learn to be patient before he could become skilled in the ways of the long con. But we need not jump the gun; rather, we should look at things a bit deeper. But after WorldCom's collapse, many would-be vultures swooped too early, tearing into the discounted bonds of cable and telecoms firms, only to see them tumble further. Since my polyphasic sleep experiment seemed to be going so well, I decided to give it a more difficult test the past few days to get a better sense of its boundaries and limits. De Boer today also warned politicians heading to the next round of international climate talks not to be too ambitious. The economy is heading into the fiscal consolidation with more momentum than had been expected, which suggests that fears of a double dip recession have been overdone. Scientists have determined it's not advisable to hurry marriage. Hence Mr Medvedev's warning not to rush political reforms. Tim Geithner, the treasury secretary, speaking at a conference on housing-finance reform, gave warning that the transition must not be abrupt. Your own transformation is a continual process, and it won't help to rush it. Implementation should indeed not be rushed. Emboldened by universal condemnation of the coup and calls for his reinstatement, Mr Zelaya rashly tried to return to his country even though its new rulers vowed to arrest him if he did. I think he is being too hasty. Hitler also started the war rather too early. For that reason, in some places and at some times, we developed industry hastily and unsystematically. Barack Obama’s critics blame the stagnation on the stifling effect of new regulations and overzealous bureaucrats. Others still are probably pushing too hard today, and could slow down a bit. The process should be certain but not rushed, which means the current constitution probably must be set aside. Not content with stirring up America’s polarised politics by awarding Barack Obama a premature Nobel peace prize, they are also stirring up America’s polarised debate on corporate governance. |
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