

单词 bracken
释义 brack·en 英ˈbrækən美ˈbrækənAHDbrăkʹən ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴¹⁹⁶⁰BNC¹⁷⁰²⁴iWeb²⁷⁷⁵⁸

fern of southeastern Asia; not hardy in cold temperate regionslarge coarse fern often several feet high; essentially weed ferns; cosmopolitan可能同break, 形容蕨类分成无数小片的叶片形状。bracken staggers共济失调蹒跚病…bracken poisoning蕨中毒
近义词 brake制动器Pteridium aquilinum蕨Pteridium esculentum食蕨

用作名词Thebrackenwas turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.欧洲蕨在晴朗的秋天正变为暗金色。as in.brush
同义词 scrub,thicketbrushwood,chaparral,coppice,copse,cover,dingle,fern,gorse,grove,hedge,sedge,shrubbery,spinney,undergrowth,underwoodboscage
brushnoun dense bushes;thicket
boscage,brushwood,chaparral,coppice,copse,cover,dingle,fern,gorse,grove,hedge,scrub,sedge,shrubbery,spinney,thicket,undergrowth,underwood Candace Bracken's future seemed full of promise. The25-year-old airline service coordinator had a new baby and a new job.
坎迪斯·布莱肯的未来似乎充满希望,这位25岁的航班调度员刚刚有了孩子和新工作。 zftrans

The test which developed a new health drink was made use of fresh bracken for raw materials, combined with jasmine powder, sugar, citric acid and maltodextrin.
选用新鲜蕨菜作原料,辅以茉莉花全粉、蔗糖、柠檬酸与麦芽糊精,开发出一种新型保健饮料。 dictall

The tent was brown, like the standard flapping from its center pole, where the red stallion of House Bracken reared upon its gold escutcheon.
帐篷是棕色的,中心旗杆上飘扬着同样棕底的布雷肯家族的金盾红色骏马旗帜。 cndkc

“ Up you get, young lady, ” said the angel, hauling Anathema out of the bracken.
“哎呀,小姑娘,快起来吧,”天使说着,把安娜丝玛从沟里拉出来。 yeeyan

Acute leukemia was diagnosed, and Bracken was given two weeks to live.
诊断证明她患了急性白血病,只有两个星期的生命。 zftrans

Among non-staple food, the Korean people particularly like to eat vegetables, such as the Campanulaceae, bracken, water celery, Radix, tea, vegetables, dandelion, tabloid dishes.
副食中,韩国人特别喜食野菜,比如桔梗、蕨菜、水芹菜、沙参、茶菜、蒲公英、小报菜等。 m4z4

At best Jonos Bracken had five hundred men about the castle. Jaime saw no siege towers, no battering rams, no catapults.
裘诺斯•布雷肯在城堡周围最多只有五百人,而且詹姆没看见攻击塔楼、投石机和弓弩。 cndkc

Economic crops are pepper, persimmon, citrus, Sydney, apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, pomegranates, stria party, rhubarb and bracken.
经济作物有花椒、柿子、柑橘、雪梨、苹果、桃、杏、樱桃、石榴、纹党、大黄及蕨菜。 kekenet

He did not wait for Lord Bracken to reply but touched Honor lightly with his golden spurs and trotted off.
他不等布雷肯爵士回答,就轻轻的用他的金马刺碰了碰“荣誉”,小跑着离去。 cndkc

Historically, the alkali used was potassium hydroxide made from the ashes of bracken or from wood ashes.
历史上,是用碱氢氧化钾从灰烬中蕨菜或从木材灰烬。 blog.cnii.com.cn

How still the trees were, with their crinkly, innumerable twigs against the sky, and their grey, obstinate trunks rising from the Brown bracken!
那些树木是多么静穆,无数弯曲的树枝向天空上伸,灰色的树干,倔强地从棕争的蕨草丛中直立! ebigear

I bent the knee because I saw no sense in dying for the dead nor shedding Bracken blood in a lost cause.
我在少狼主死了之后向您家族屈膝投降,是因为我认为给死人卖命,为了无法翻盘的败局让布雷肯家族白白流血,实在没有意义。 cndkc

Jonos Bracken rolled off her, grabbed for his scabbard, and came up with naked steel in hand, cursing.
裘诺斯•布雷肯从她身上滚了下来,伸手去抓剑鞘,结果只抓到了金属的剑刃。 cndkc

Only later he put the Bracken girl aside and took up with a Blackwood, was that the way of it?
直到后来他抛弃了布雷肯家的女孩,娶了一个布莱克伍德,是不是这样? cndkc

Other ladies, less educated, roll down the bracken in the arms of their gentlemen friends.
其他一些女士,没这么有教养的,在她们的绅士朋友怀抱里翻滚在我的欧洲蕨上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Patrick hid in a hollow surrounded by bracken.
派翠克躲在围绕著羊齿植物的一个凹地里。 iciba

She was much more beautiful than Barba Bracken, but slender, and Barba was heard to say that Missy was flat as a boy.
她比芭巴•布雷肯漂亮得多,但是太苗条。有人听见芭巴说米茜的胸部就像男人一样平。 cndkc

The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.
欧洲蕨在晴朗的秋天正变为暗金色。 iciba

When he rode from Bracken's siege camp to the gates of Raventree, Peck went before him with a peace banner.
当他从布雷肯的帐篷骑向鸦树城正门的时候,小派在他前面打着和平的旗帜。 cndkc

Bracken are mainly distributed in the area along the San, have organized a soft, fresh, clean, green features such as color, salinization edible after processing.
蕨菜主要分布在沿吴山一带,具有组织柔软,鲜嫩、无污染、色泽绿等特点,盐渍加工后即可食用。 elycn

Bracken said at a Friday news conference that the NATO strikes were justified.
布拉肯在星期五的新闻会议中说,北约的攻击是正当的。 yeeyan




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