词汇 | 揭竿而起 |
释义 | 揭竿而起 辨形“竿”,不能写作“杆”。 辨形“竿”,不能写作“杆”。 歇后语陈胜扯旗 俄文поднимáться на восстáние 陈胜;吴广一行往北拼命赶路,一点也不敢耽误。因为按照秦王朝的法令,误了日期,是要砍头的。可是,他们刚刚走了几天,才到大泽乡今安徽宿县西南,正赶上下大雨,只好扎了营,待天晴再走。雨又偏偏下个不停,眼看日期是耽误了,陈胜同吴广商量,说:“咱们即便走,误了日期,也是死;逃,给官府抓住,也是个死。反正是个死,不如大家一起反了,推翻秦二世,为老百姓除害。” 吴广也是个有见识的人。他同意了陈胜的意见,并商定借着被秦二世害死的太子扶苏和深得群众拥戴的原楚国大将项燕项羽的祖父的名头,以号召天下,去攻打秦二世。 于是陈胜和吴广就带着几个心腹首先把那两个差官砍死,然后提着他们的头,向大家讲明了不起义造反就得白白地送死的道理。这几百人一下子都表示情愿豁出性命跟着陈胜;吴广一块儿干。大伙砍伐树木为兵器,高举竹竿为旗帜,对天起誓,同心协力,推倒秦二世,替楚将项燕报仇。大家还公推陈胜;吴广做首领,一下子就把大泽乡占领了。大泽乡的农民一听陈胜;吴广他们起来反抗秦朝的暴政,青年子弟都纷纷拿着锄头;铁耙;扁担;木棍来营里投军。 【注意】注意揭竿而起的竿是竹竿的竿。 反义词 In August1944, with Allied forces closing in, Parisians rose up. On May21,1958, a Shan leader, Sao Noi aka Saw Yan Tha, was the first Shan to take up arms against the Burmese regime. But won’t the grass-roots rebel at being used? But the gun manufacturers and the NRA would be up in arms if you tried something like that. In response, young samurai from feudal domains historically hostile to the Tokugawa regime took up arms against the government. And Mohammed Darrat, who spent18 years in Gaddafi's prisons and every moment out of them believing that one day the people would rise up. The United States rose from the shackles of Britain, France also follow suit. Though some escaped and a few managed to buy their freedom, most slaves had no real hope of liberty. For them there was only one option left, organized rebellion. It calls on the people of Pakistan to rise up in revolt and promises an audio message recorded by Bin Laden a week before his death will be issued soon. Fiscally conservative“ Blue Dog” Democrats may rebel if the stimulus grows too big. And public support may prove fragile. Rejoice in its unpredictability, in the deluge of goals, in the bravado of Burnley and Birmingham City, in the aristocracy being challenged by the bourgeoisie. In a“ wolf, ” the voice, the Chinese beverage industry up in arms. Until civil unrest in Libya exploded over the few last weeks, Gadhafi, the second oldest of Moammar Gadhafi's children, had been seen as the western face of the regime. The Chinese people were in almost open revolt against the despot who had ruled them for twenty- two years. SINCE Tunisians rose up and ejected their leader, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, who had ruled the country for 23 years, the scent of jasmine has spread through the Arab world. Ottoman Turks built the Skull Tower after a bloody battle in 1809, decorating it with severed heads of Serbian soldiers who rose against Turkish rule. Your sales would collapse, and your dealers would revolt. The citizens of Umboo province openly rebelled against Koong's outrages. It's time Extremists revolted against what a plethora of standards bodies are trying to impose on what was originally promoted as a way for users to control how their documents should be processed. Before Libyans rose up against him, Muammar Gaddafi used money, and well-timed diplomatic overtures, to worm his way into the West’s good graces. |
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