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B&QEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本例句 n.英国百安居公司 By the end of next year,40 B&Q stores will be revamped as part of the investment. 作为此项百安居发展计划的一部分,百安居将在明年年底之前,对40家门店进行升级改造。 xinjuw The products have been marketed in Easyhome, B&Q, and we are developing the national sales and service network. 产品进驻居然之家、百安居等大型建材超市,遍布全国的经销商网络正在建设中。 file340.bbshouse.com A spokesperson for IKEA in China said the Swedish home furnishings multinational had, like B&Q, been impacted by the economic downturn. 一位宜家中国发言人表示,这个跨国瑞典家居集团,也像百安居一样,受到了全球经济不景气的影响。 yeeyan Apart from Wal-Mart, other successful giants have set up shop, including France's Carrefour, Britain's B&Q and Malaysia's Parkson. 除了沃尔玛之外,其他零售巨头也已顺利登陆中国市场,其中包括法国家乐福 Carrefour、英国百安居 B&Q以及马来西亚的百盛 Parkson。 ecocn British home-improvement retailer Kingfisher PLC said last week it plans to cut the number of its B&Q stores in China to41 from63 this year. 英国家居零售商 Kingfisher PLC上周表示,打算今年将旗下中国百安居 B&Q门店数目从63家削减至41家。 shinewrite But McCartney is determinedly ‘ normal’, as he proved a few weeks ago with his confession to Radio4 that he regularly pops out to B& Q to buy nails. 但他一直坚持过着普通人的生活。几周前他就曾在4号电台上‘招供’过,说自己经常在固定的时间出门去 B&Q买生活必需品。 yeeyan Demand for allotments has soared, and last week DIY chain B&Q reported a19% increase in sales of vegetable seeds. 对土地的需求迅猛增长,上周 DIY连锁店百安居报告显示蔬菜种子的销售量上涨了19%。 yeeyan Everyone talks about Walmart and B&Q and their90-year-old greeters, but that isn't enough. 每个人都在谈论沃尔玛和 B&Q和他们90岁的接待员,但这样的职位还不够多”。 topsage Half B&Q China's sales related to fitting out new apartments. 据统计,百安居在中国有一半的销售额来自对新公寓的装修。 yeeyan Specialist chains are fast cashing in on middle-class preoccupations: B&Q and IKEA reflect China's growing level of home ownership and a passion for interior decorating. 专门连锁店正迅速从先富起来的中产那获利:百安居和宜家 IKEA就反映了中国房产发展水平,以及人们对装修的热衷。 ecocn The clients she trained before including: Harvard Business Review, B&Q, GSK, and so on. 她曾培训的客户包括:哈佛商业评论,百安居,葛兰素史克等。 taoke The survey for home store B&Q also revealed that66 per cent motorists did not check the oil and water levels before heading out on a long journey. 家居商店百安居公司进行的调查也发现66%的汽车司机出发一个长途旅行之前没有检查油和水位。 hxen UK companies from every sector are in the lead of South China's investment including retailers like B&Q and Jardines; 目前,英国公司在南中国区的许多投资项目中都起着主导作用,包括零售业,如百安居, Jardines; www.gd.xinhuanet.com Xu said that IKEA is in a more specialist segment of the market than B&Q, focusing only on home furnishings and not on building supplies. 徐小姐说,相对于百安居来说,宜家在家居市场上更为专业,仅仅专注于家居方面而非建筑材料的供应。 yeeyan |