

单词 Boy Scouts
释义 Boy Scouts●○○○○短语¹⁶⁹²⁴

an international but decentralized movement started in 1908 in England with the goal of teaching good citizenship to boysThe boy scouts hiked out to the forest.童子军步行去森林。
Cowboys andBoy Scoutswear handkerchiefs.牛仔和童子军围头巾。 Moreover, in2000, the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed that the Boy Scouts of America is a private organization which can set its own membership standards.
2000年,美国最高法院认定:美国童子军是一个纯属私人性质的组织,有权设置属于自己的会员资格标准。 yeeyan

Were the Boy Scouts O. K. politically?
从政治角度来看男童军真是没问题吗? yeeyan

For example, the Boy Scouts of America allows more than 100 different merit badges to be earned, each focused on a specific topic such as Plant Science or Lifesaving.
例如,美国童子军有可以因100个不同的优点而获得奖励徽章,每一个都以如植物科学或救生等特定主题为着眼点。 yeeyan

He described how boy scouts and pedicab drivers carried the wounded in Shanghai to hospitals, where the volunteer nurses included former “taxi dancers” prostitutes who were working for nothing.
他描述了童子军和三轮车夫是怎么样的运送伤员到上海的医院,还有那些志愿者护士包括那些职业的舞女卖淫者无偿的工作着。 yeeyan

I helped him choose a Troop and introduced him to their leader and such to prepare him for the sixth grade year when he would move to Boy Scouts.
我帮他选择了一个队伍,将他介绍给领队人,为他在六年级时加入童子军队伍做好准备。 yeeyan

It's hard to imagine Tyler in Boy Scouts.
很难想象泰勒在童子军的样子. yeeyan

Like many of the boy scouts in Auschwitz, Piechowski joined the resistance movement in the camp.
像奥斯维辛的许多男童子军一样,佩特罗夫斯基也参加了集中营里的反抗运动。 yeeyan

Local Port-au-Prince Boy Scouts have come to help, but they are waiting for a tent and supplies before they can assist those in need.
太子港当地的童子军已经做好准备,但是他们等待得到一个帐篷和补给品才能帮助有需要的人。 voanews

Maybe you got a group of Boy Scouts to behave on a camping trip, solved a family dispute, or talked your way out of a potential problem.
也许是你组织的一批童子军参加野营训练时表现出色,解决了家庭纠纷,或者凭三寸不烂之舌解决了潜在问题的时候; blog.sina.com.cn

No sensible person thinks of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts as a form of gender apartheid.
明智的人不会认为男童子军和女童子军是一种性别隔离。 yeeyan

One former Lula adviser derides them as “ boy scouts” and as the equivalent of the collaborationist Vichy regime in wartime France.
卢拉的一名前顾问将他们讽刺为“过于单纯的童子军”,还将这些国家比作二战时期法国的维希卖国政府。 ecocn

The Boy Scouts of America BSA is a United States Scouting organization, with some presence in other countries.
美国童子军 The Boy Scouts of America,简称 BSA是美国童子军运动中成立的一个民间组织,在其他一些国家也有它的组织。 yeeyan

This ceremony marks the transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts if they choose to go on.
这个典礼标志着幼年童军如果愿意可以转变为童子军。 yeeyan

Boy Scouts entirely built the tower with pasta and the drug Kwai, a precise copy of Buckminster Fuller's tetrahedral. A dodge ball will be able to destroy it immediately.
童子军完全用意大利面与药属葵打造了这个巴克明斯特·富勒所创作的四面体复制品,用一个躲避球马上就能摧毁它。 kekenet

Boy Scouts must pass all the requirements to earn a merit badge.
童子军们必须通过所有测试要求才能得到一枚荣誉徽章。 iciba




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