词汇 | 捕风捉影 |
释义 | 捕风捉影 辨形“影”,不能写作“景”。 辨析捕风捉影与“道听途说”不同:捕风捉影语意较重;接近于凭空想象或捏造;“道听途说”语意较轻;还有“听”作根据;只是这根据不可靠罢了。 辨形“影”,不能写作“景”。 辨析捕风捉影与“道听途说”不同:捕风捉影语意较重;接近于凭空想象或捏造;“道听途说”语意较轻;还有“听”作根据;只是这根据不可靠罢了。 歇后语瞎子捉迷藏;飞机上张网;狗咬旋风 法文agir,tenir des props sur des signes douteuxrumeur sans fondement 俄文гоняться за вéтром и тéнью 德文vǒllig aus der Luft gegriffen sein gegenstandslos 汉成帝二十岁做皇帝,到四十多岁还没有孩子。他听信方士的话,热衷于祭祀鬼神。许多向汉成帝上书谈论祭祀鬼神或谈论仙道的人,都轻而易举地得到高官厚禄。成帝听信他们的话,在长安郊外的上林苑大搞祭祀,祈求上天赐福,花了很大的费用,但并没有什么效验。 谷永向汉成帝上书说:“我听说对于明了天地本性的人,不可能用神怪去迷惑他;懂得世上万物之理的人,不可能受行为不正的人蒙蔽。现在有些人大谈神仙鬼怪,宣扬祭祀的方法,还说什么世上有仙人,服不死的药,寿高得像南山一样。听他们的说话,满耳都是美好的景象,好像马上就能遇见神仙一样;可是,你要寻找它,却虚无缥缈,好像要缚住风;捉住影子一样不可能得到。所以古代贤明的君王不听这些话,圣人绝对不说这种话。” 谷永又举例说:周代史官苌弘想要用祭祀鬼神的办法帮助周灵王,让天下诸侯来朝会,可是周王室更加衰败,诸侯反叛的更多;楚怀王隆重祭祀鬼神,求神灵保佑打退秦国军队,结果仗打败了,土地被秦削割,自己做了俘虏;秦始皇统一天下后,派徐福率童男童女下海求仙采药,结果一去不回,遭到天下人的怨恨。最后,他又说道:“从古到今,帝王们凭着尊贵的地位;众多的财物,寻遍天下去求神灵;仙人,经过了多少岁月,却没有丝毫应验。希望您不要再让那些行为不正的人干预朝廷的事。” 汉成帝认为谷水说得很有道理,便听从了他的意见。 系:拴。景:同“影”。 【注意】“捕风捉影”的“捕”读bǔ。 反义词 The New York Times poisoned its own story by nods and winks. After the funerals on April17th, the media will doubtless resume its backbiting and excitability; politics will once again be bad-tempered, and people will ask hard questions about the crash. But as more information surfaced, the market calmed down a bit. Over the next four weeks, all the evidence that has leaked out into the press over the years will at last be put into the public domain. Despite much speculation, there are few signs of any falling-out between the two. Each plays his part. If folks cry“Wolf” for shadows, nobody will hurry to their rescue when a real wolf comes along with teeth and claws. She had soon the mortification of seeing Mr Elliot withdraw, and no one of proper condition has since presented himself to raise even the unfounded hopes which sunk with him. She never did and never could put words together out of her own head. I never believe idle reports. Some may find our criticisms upsetting, but we do not make them gratuitously. In the years after the creature's first appearance in1995, the word chupacabra lost whatever original meaning it had, and became a catch-all pop culture term for any strange animal seen or found. This may be painful but it's far better to deal with reality than unverified assumptions. It's useless to talk about something that we don't want to do because we cannot remove anyone from the team when we are midway through a season. Holocaust deniers such as Mr Irving are expert at taking anomalies and contradictions in the historical record and erecting such pyramids of loathsome nonsense upon them. In other words, they provide the leverage women need to pry open those closed doors and boldly stride through— without fear, without innuendo, and without repercussions. |
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