释义 |
挖东墙补西墙 wā dōng qiáng bǔ xī qiáng 基本详细解释 repair one place at the expense of another;熟take from the eastern wall to repair the western one—take or borrow from one in order to give or pay sth owed to another;rob Peter to pay Paul事实上,他从未还上那笔钱,他只不过是在不同的账户间挖东墙补西墙。He never actually repays any of the money—he just shuffles/moves his debts between different bank accounts. 挖东墙补西墙可不行,你还是得背债。There's no point in robbing Peter to pay Paul. You will still be in debt. 解释: 挖掉这边的去补那边的。比喻互相挪用,临时应付。杜鹏程《延安人》三:“眼下,只能挖东墙补西墙。” 刘绍棠《村妇》卷一:“对子的儿子满月,刘二皇叔砸锅卖铁,挖东墙补西墙,借来驴打滚儿印子钱,还是摆下几十桌酒席,请齐了三亲六故和老友近邻。” |