词汇 | 按兵不动 |
释义 | 按兵不动 辨形“按”,不能写作“安”。 辨形“按”,不能写作“安”。 歇后语下象棋不走卒 俄文бездéйствовать, заняв выжидáтельную позйцию 德文seine Truppen bis zu einem günstigen Augenblick zurückhalten sich Zurückhaltung auferlegen 史墨到卫国后1年才回来,赵简子生气地说:为什么去这么久才回来? 史墨说:我对卫国情况作了详细了解,所以耽搁久了些。现在卫国国君很开明,辅佐他的贤才又很多,国家治理得很好。攻打卫国还不是时候,我劝您不要轻举妄动。 赵简子听史墨说得有理,便按兵而不动,等待时机。这个成语原来指掌握力量而暂不行动,以等待时机。现在也比喻接受任务后不肯行动。 案:同“按”。 反义词 At a forum on February25th at the University of Chicago, officials from both the European and American central banks signalled willingness to hold fire unless inflation expectations grow. Boeing had been hoping to hold off until it could offer an all- new single- aisle aircraft, based on the787’s plastic technology. It risks encouraging governments to sit back and let others do the work that they find too difficult themselves. That is both a dangerous abdication of responsibility and a missed opportunity. The temptation to do nothing must be strong, even if one knows exactly where that action will lead. Households and firms alike have hit the pause button, and no one knows when they will press “play” again. Yet there are risks in sitting tight. Both sides should therefore hold their fire until the WTO rules on Europe's complaint. He was presented with three options: Wait to gather more intelligence, attack with targeted bombs from the air, or go in on the ground with troops. They pressure the developing world to control carbon emissions even as they refuse to move themselves, she says. Why would Israel attack now when, for some of the reasons above, it has previously stayed its hand? In a panic, individual depositors have an incentive to withdraw their cash, even if collectively they and the bank might be better off if they held fast. That means that even a successful U.S. consolidation could feature a Fed on hold for, all things considered, a decade. |
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