词汇 | 指日可待 |
释义 | 指日可待 歇后语三十晚上盼初一 法文sous peuproche 俄文недалёк деньможно ждать в ближáйшие дни 德文in absehbarer Zeit zu erwarten sein zum Greifen nahe sein 反义词 “ I feel economic recovery is just around the corner,” and“ I think economic recovery is just around the corner,” send much the same message. Refusing to learn from your mistakes, whether out of stubbornness or arrogance, is a quick way to kill your career. Rendezvous and docking is a key skill that we must master for building the space station. If this step is taken then the space station is around the corner. While we still can’t cure the common cold, custom-made organs are just around the corner. Optimists say the markets are up and economic recovery is upon us. Decisions are pending in two other appeals courts, in Virginia and in Washington, DC. What is concerning about the scenario is that Microsoft went to battle with a phone that wasn’t nearly what it could have been, while a better product was just around the corner. Confirmation of Cheng's theory could be around the corner. Further foreign investment is expected after a recent decision to allow foreign firms to establish wholesale operations. She knew that what Marianne and her mother conjectured one moment, they believed the next--that with them, to wish was to hope, and to hope was to expect. I believe that, as we proceed through the future, it will be easier and easier to get closer to our dreams. We've attempted a thought experiment with far tougher standards: predicting the future that's just around the corner. A micro- biocide to help women protect themselves is likely just around the corner. With many groups predicting that human immortality is just around the corner, you could say we all have a vested interest in the answer. That help may be at hand, with a modification of technology used to predict another type of threat that the city is prone to: the aftershocks from earthquakes. The right combination of materials, if it can be found, should therefore produce the desired reversal. Perino was asked if a rescue plan for the auto industry is imminent. Biofuel engines for aircraft still need some work before they are suitable for long-haul flights, but should be available soon. The day of the people’s—or, rather, the robots’— army, then, may soon be at hand. A day before Israel attacked, Turkish intermediaries felt they were on the verge of clinching a peace deal between Israel and Syria. |
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