

单词 护航
释义 护航 hù háng
convoyescort繁体護航护航陪伴或护送的行为,尤指为了保护性目的The act of accompanying or escorting, especially for protective purposes.
船长把发现的所有材料搜集在一起来进行分析,最后确信卡伦号是在赴俄国执行护航任务的途中被敌人潜艇发射的鱼雷击中的。The captain was able to piece together all the information that had come to light, making certain that the Karen had been sailing in a convoy to Russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine.
有十艘驱逐舰为女王的游艇护航。The Queen's yacht had an escort of ten destroyers.
运兵船由两艘军舰护航。The troop ship was escorted by two warships.




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