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词汇 bowler
释义 bowler 英ˈbəʊlə美ˈbolɚAHDbōʹlər ★★☆☆☆高四八COCA²⁶⁷⁷⁴BNC⁸⁵²⁴iWeb¹³³¹⁸

a cricketer who delivers the ball to the batsman in cricketa player who rolls balls down an alley at pinsa felt hat that is round and hard with a narrow brim亦作bowler hat。这是19世纪中期开始流行于英国的圆顶高帽,如今在伦敦街头已不多见。它之所以称作bowler,常常被说成是因为它形似翻倒过来的碗bowl,被风一刮在地上还可滚动bowl along 一段距离呢。其实,bowler源自人名。它是以此帽设计者,19世纪中期伦敦帽商John Bow!er的姓氏命名的。伦敦《每日新闻》DaiLy News在1868年8月8日登载了一篇短文,其中有段文字说:“Mr.Bowler, of 15 St. Swithin)s Lane, has,by a very simple con-tTivance,lnvented a hat that is cornpletely ventilated, whitsirat the same time, the head is relieved of the pressure experi-enced in wearing hats of the ordinary description-”圣斯威辛巷15号的鲍勒先生凭借极为简单的装置,制作了一种帽子。特点是通风良好,而且戴在头上无普通帽子的压迫感。Bowler先生的教名往往因来源出处不同而不同,有的作John,有的作Thomas或William。这些不同的教名可能统属一个家庭或家族的人。
  圆顶高帽在英国口语中也叫billycocko该词也产生于19世纪中期。由于这种帽是为诺福克郡的土地所有者、富绅William Coke待和的,所以人们就用William的呢称Billy加上Coke.并稍加变化,造了hillycock 一词称之。在美国英语中圆顶高帽则多称作derby,因为这种帽子是1875年肯塔基马赛Kentucky Derby举行期间开始在美国流行起来的,故而得名。究其根源,derby也是人名名称eponym,源出此马赛首创人,Derby第十二代伯爵。参见derbybowler hat圆顶高帽pin bowler瞄准木柱的运动员…spot bowler对准瞄准点投球的运动…spin bowler〈板球〉擅长投旋转球…
bowl-er名人|物⇒n.玩滚球的人¹⁶;投球手⁶³;圆礼帽²¹n.板投球手;投掷者;玩保龄球戏的人;玩滚木球戏者;滚木球的人运动员玩球戏的人;圆顶硬礼帽;圆顶高帽;常礼帽英国旧时商人等戴板球近义词 plug hat男式帽bowler hat圆顶高帽derby hat圆顶窄边礼帽…Derby德比英国中部的都市…

用作名词The ball was thrown back underarm to thebowler.从肩下把球扔回给玩保龄球的人。
He's a good batsman but a poorbowler.他击球不错,但投球不太好。
Thebowlerlet go a couple of scorchers.投球手投出了几个快球。
He wears abowlerto go to his office.他上班总是戴着一顶黑色硬礼帽。
Never did a man with abowlerhat come to offer me money.从来没有一个戴着黑色圆顶礼帽的人过来给我钱。as in.hat
同义词 fedora,headgear,helmetPanama,Stetson,boater,bonnet,bucket,chapeau,headpiece,lid,sailor,skimmer,sombrero,straw,tam,toppermillinery,stove pipe,tam o'shanter,ten-gallon
hatnoun covering for the head
Panama,Stetson,boater,bonnet,bucket,chapeau,fedora,headgear,headpiece,helmet,lid,millinery,sailor,skimmer,sombrero,stove pipe,straw,tam,tam o'shanter,ten-gallon,topper derscheidt, a Cologne artist, appears in his dark coat and bowler hat set against a deserted city street like a figure from one of his own paintings.
作品中,他身着黑色大衣与圆顶硬礼帽,背景则是一条了无人烟的街道,此刻的安同就像是自己绘画作品中的一个人物。 ecocn

In the meantime, corporations without a dynamic pricing component also should be cautious about allowing travelers to book rates below the corporate negotiated rate, Bowler said.
Bowler表示,与此同时,没有采用动态定价模式的企业,应该在允许差旅人士预订低于企业协议价的客房时保持谨慎。 yeeyan

The king was accompanied by a very sedate gentleman in a black bowler hat, who kept a certain distance and always walked a few paces behind his king.
有一位头戴黑圆顶礼帽、举止稳重的人跟在英王身后,保持着一定距离。 hotdic

The bowler dismissed the next batsman for six runs.

A man with a bowler hat walked past the long queue, got in front.

Alternatively, Benjamin Bowler of Merrill Lynch suggests investing in hedge- fund niches, such as merger arbitrage.
另外,美林证券 Merrill Lynch的本杰明•鲍勒建议投资于对冲基金中的小众市场,例如兼并套利。 ecocn

He looked immaculate in his suit and bowler hat.

He wears a bowler to go to his office.
他上班总是戴着一顶黑色硬礼帽。 iciba

However, only1% of the life forms found in the sea have been properly identified and studied, said Bowler.
然而,只有1%的海洋生命形式得到了正确的识别和研究。 yeeyan

In 1981, Billy Hardwick— my father, a retired Hall of Fame pro bowler— opened his own center, and my gaming continued.
1981年,我老爸 Billy Hardwick,一个退休的名人堂级保龄球手,开了自己的保龄中心,而我也继续了我的游戏生涯。 yeeyan

In the throng of miners in tin hats and indigenous women in bowler hats and heavy skirts there was an unmistakable sense of history on the march.
在人群中,有带着安全帽的矿工和带着圆礼帽、穿着厚重的裙子的妇女,让人明显感到历史在前进。 ecocn

In the third study they used Magritte’s famous absurdist painting of a bowler- hatted gentleman with a big green apple in front of his face.
在第三个研究中,他们使用马格利特著名的荒诞画一个在他面前的绿苹果投球的盔绅士。 yeeyan

Selena Gomez loves her ultra-ladylike MCM Heritage bowler bag, which perfectly complements her polished, pulled- together yet still- youthful style.
赛琳娜·戈麦斯非常爱她这只极具女性化的 MCM复古圆筒包。这只包完美的搭配她精致,完整依然年轻的风格。 hjenglish

The captain decided to take Peter off and try a slower bowler.

The captain decided to take Snow off and try a slower bowler.
队长决定把斯诺撤下,换一个动作慢一点的投球手试一试。 iciba

The fielders try to retrieve the ball quickly and return it to the bowler.
外野手试图迅速接过球传给投球手。 iciba

The effects would be felt far beyond the fantasy world of Tintin and Magritte’s bowler- hatted men falling from the sky.
对世界产生的影响也远远超过了丁丁的奇幻世界和马格利特的作品——从天而降戴帽子的投球手。 ecocn

They were suddenly craving meaning; something, anything that makes sense, instead of this bowler- hatted man with an apple in front of his face.
他们突然渴望意义,一些东西,究竟什么是道理,而不是在他面前苹果投球的那个盔绅士。 yeeyan

Bowler saw some companies holding back on negotiations this year to wait for a better picture of what2010 holds.
Bowler发现,一些企业今年不再参与协议,以等候2010年出现更好时机。 yeeyan




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