词汇 | 投其所好 |
释义 | 投其所好 辨析投其所好和“阿谀奉迎”均含“迎合别人;讨好别人”之意;但投其所好是迎合别人的一种手段;即投合别人的爱好或兴趣。“阿谀奉迎”指采取各种手段来讨好别人;范围比投其所好大。 辨析投其所好和“阿谀奉迎”均含“迎合别人;讨好别人”之意;但投其所好是迎合别人的一种手段;即投合别人的爱好或兴趣。“阿谀奉迎”指采取各种手段来讨好别人;范围比投其所好大。 歇后语往狗嘴里抛骨头;烂肉喂苍蝇;爱喝酒的不给烟 法文flatter les goǔts de qn.flagorner 俄文угождáть цьчм вкусамугодничать 德文sich js Geschmack anpassen jm etwas zu Gefallen tun 【注意】“好”不读hǎo。 If you can see John Brown through John Brown's eyes, you can sell John Brown what John Brown bugs. If you can see John Brown through John Brown's eyes, you can sell John Brown what John Brown buys. My wife loves to entertain and she's in her element when called upon to do her party piece. These emerging consumers have a big appetite for the top luxury brands— and the owners of those brands are increasingly keen to oblige. These emerging consumers have a big appetite for the top luxury brands- and the owners of those brands are increasingly keen to oblige. |
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