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词汇 bow
释义 bow 英baʊ美baʊAHDbou


piece of wood bent into a curve by tight string joining its ends, used as a weapon for shooting arrows


an act of bending forward the head or the upper part of the body, especially to show respect

vt. & vi. 向…弯腰; 鞠躬

bend the upper part of the body forward, as a way of showing respect, admitting, defeat, etc.

vt. 低头,俯首

bend one's head forward

a knot with two loops and loose ends; used to tie shoelacesa slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands; used in playing certain stringed instrumentsfront part of a vessel or aircraft;

he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line

a weapon for shooting arrows, composed of a curved piece of resilient wood with a taut cord to propel the arrowsomething curved in shapebending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greetingan appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to acknowledge the applause of the audiencea decorative interlacing of ribbonsa stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments
bend one's knee or body, or lower one's head;

He bowed before the King

She bowed her head in shame

yield to another's wish or opinion;

The government bowed to the military pressure

bend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting;

He bowed before the King

bend one's back forward from the waist on down;

he crouched down

She bowed before the Queen

The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse

play on a string instrument with a bow
bow, arc, arch, curve

这四个词都指“弯曲,曲线”。curve含意最广,指任何一种不中断但不断改变方向的曲线; arc指弧线; arch指弓形物,拱门等; bow则指射箭用的弓,弓形物,指弯曲到“U”形之物。








用作名词 n.
动词+~bend a bow拉弓draw a bow拉弓tie a bow打蝴蝶结wear a bow戴蝴蝶结名词+~saw bow锯架spring bow弹弓~+名词bow string弓弦介词+~by a bow用弓under the bows船首下用作名词 n.动词+~make a bow鞠躬take a bow鞠躬答谢形容词+~deep bow深深的鞠躬low bow深深的鞠躬polite bow有礼貌的鞠躬slight bow微微点头用作动词 v.~+名词bow one's head低头bow one's thanks鞠躬致谢bow the neck to向…低头屈服~+副词bow low深深鞠躬bow politely彬彬有礼地行礼bow down to崇拜…bow down upon one's knees跪下请求bow down with age因年老而腰弯bow sb in恭敬地迎进某人bow sb out恭敬地送出某人~+介词bow before向…鞠躬bow before difficulties向困难低头bow out of politics退出政界bow to向…鞠躬,屈从于bow to an injustice屈服于不正当的行为bow to one's host向主人行礼bow to sb's order屈从某人的命令
用作名词n.another〔two〕 strings to one's bow

有不止一个计划〔办法〕 additional attribute or talent

bow before〔to〕 v.+prep.

听从,同意… yield to sth

bow down v.+adv.

屈服 admit defeat and agree to serve sb

bow sth ⇔ downThe apple tree was bowed down with the weight of its fruit.那棵苹果树果实累累,压弯了树枝。
He was bowed down with troubles.他因操劳过度而精神不振。bow downWe shall never bow down to our enemies.我们永远不会向敌人屈服。
bow out v.+adv.

放弃做某事( stop doing sth)

bow sb/oneself ⇔ outThe servant bowed the guests out as they left.客人们离去时,仆人躬身送他们出门。
When leaving the presence of the princess, you have to bow yourself out as you go.辞别公主时,你必须躬身退出。bow oneself ⇔ outJim bowed himself out of the competition when he learned who his opponent was.吉姆得知谁是他的对手后,退出了比赛。故事记忆山路崎岖 Narrow窄天上飞来 Swallow燕子突然坠入 Meadow草地见它身插 Arrow箭心里充满 Sorrow悲哀怒拉手中 Bow弓想法被人 Overthrow推翻故事记忆个头很 Low矮的坐第一 Row排腰弯成 Bow弓把怨言 Sow播种盼赶快 Grow长大却一直 Slow慢的一直到 Now现在在草坪 Mow修剪非常记忆bo〖象60〗+w皇冠〖编码〗⇒60个带着皇冠的人在鞠躬近义词 arc弧arch拱stem柄kneel跪sag下垂crook钩bend弯曲lean倾斜stoop佝偻curve曲线droop低垂lower低的defer推迟twist缠绕crouch蹲下bowing鞠躬fore在前的accede同意bob上下疾动distort歪曲give in屈服crossbow石弓curtsy屈膝礼deform使变形submit使服从bow down鞠躬obeisance鞠躬bend over弯腰bowknot蝴蝶结prow飞机机头curtain call谢幕Cupid's bow爱神丘比特之弓…longbow中世纪时英格兰所用的…反义词 stern严厉的
用作名词n.He drew the bow and shot an arrow.他张弓射箭。
The archer can bend a strong bow.这个弓箭手能拉强弓。
This bow is used to play the violin.这弓是用来拉小提琴的。
The rainbow is a bow.虹为弓形。
She fastened her hair with a bow of ribbon.她的头发上扎着一个蝴蝶结丝带。
The waves broke over the bows of the boat.波浪撞击着船头。用作名词n.He made a polite bow to me.他彬彬有礼地对我鞠了一躬。
He gave the teacher a bow and moved away with tears in the eyes.他向老师鞠了一躬,然后含泪走开了。
The conductor had the soloists take a bow.指挥请独奏者上前谢幕。
The new book will make its bow early next year.这本新书将于明年初问世。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe trees bowed in the wind.树木在风中弯下了腰。
S+~+ n./pron.He bowed his thanks.他鞠躬致谢。
They bowed their heads in prayer.他们在一起低头祷告。
He bowed me to the door.他恭敬地把我送到门口。
He was bowed into a taxi.他被点头哈腰地送上出租车。
He is bowed with age.他年老腰弯。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.He bowed me his heartiest thanks.他向我鞠躬表示他衷心的谢意。Psunbown.Pface-bow面弓Pfogbown.雾虹Pbowingn.运弓法Pbow-legsn.弓形腿Plongbown.大弓长弓Pbowspritn.船首斜桁Pbowheadn.北极露脊鲸Pboweda.弯如弓的低垂的Poxbown.河道曲流湾牛轭湖Pbow-backeda.驼背的弓腰曲背的





bow用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,有时也可接双宾语; 用作不及物动词,后可接介词或副词。



用作名词At that time, people hunt withbowsand arrows.在那时,人们以弓﹑ 箭行猎。
He moved aside for her with a politebow.他礼貌地鞠躬,退避一旁让她过去。
She has a dress decorated withbows.她有一条饰有蝴蝶结的连衣裙。
My little sister can tie shoelaces in abow.我妹妹能把鞋带打成蝴蝶结。
The yacht hit a rock and damaged herbows.游艇碰上了礁石,撞坏了船头。用作动词The castbowedas the audience applauded.演员们向鼓掌的观众鞠躬。
Every onebowedas the Queen walked into the room.女王走进房间时,每个人都鞠躬致敬。
Those branches wereboweddown by the snow on them.那些树枝被覆盖着的积雪压弯了.noun.bend from waist
同义词 nodangle,arc,arch,bend,bending,bob,curtsy,curvature,curve,flection,flexure,genuflection,inclination,kowtow,obeisance,round,salaam,turn,turningcurvation
反义词 linestraightennoun.front of boat
同义词 nosebeak,bowsprit,fore,forepart,head,prow,stem
反义词 straightenverb.bend over
同义词 hunch,nodarch,bob,cower,crook,curtsy,curve,debase,dip,droop,duck,genuflect,incline,round,stoopdo obeisance
反义词 straightendefend,fight,overpowerverb.submit, concede
同义词 accept,acquiesce,bend,capitulate,comply,defer,give in,kowtow,relent,succumb,surrender,yieldcave,knucklebe servile,knuckle under
反义词 conquer,decline,deny,disagree,disallow,fight,oppose,refuse,reject,windefend,overpower
acceptverb put up with
acknowledge,acquiesce,agree,assent,bear,bear with,capitulate,defer to,don't make waves,don't rock the boat,endure,fit in,go along with,live with,play the game,recognize,respect,sit still for,stand,stand for,stomach,submit to,suffer,swallow,take,tolerate,yield to
accommodateverb perform service
accommodatesverb perform service
accords,accustoms,adapts,adjusts,agrees,attunes,bends over backwards,complies,composes,conforms,coordinates,corresponds,don't makes waves,don't rocks the boat,fits,goes by the book,goes with the flow,harmonizes,integrates,makes consistent,modifies,plays the game,proportions,reconciles,settles,shapes up,suits,tailor-makes,tailors,tunes
acknowledgmentnoun physical symbol of recognition
arcnoun curve
archnoun curve, curved structure
arc,archway,bend,bow,curvature,dome,semicircle,span,vault A bow and a crossbow have limited ammunition so use them reasonably.
弓和弩的弹药总是有限的,所以要慎重使用。 yeeyan

And Uncle Matt produced from his shirt pocket a red bow and said: Father, do you have any idea what this is and where we found it?
马特叔叔从他的上衣口袋里拿出一只红色蝴蝶结,说:神甫,你知道这是什么吗? 知道我们是在哪儿找到它的吗? yeeyan

It is true you don't know what this is, Uncle Matt said, and put the bow back in his pocket.
事实上,你并不知道那是怎么回事。马特叔叔一边说一边把蝴蝶结放回到他的口袋里。 yeeyan

On New Year’s Eve spent in our apartment, she asked me to put on a black bow tie and dinner jacket.
新年的前夜我们在公寓度过,她要我打上黑色蝴蝶结领带并穿上无尾礼服。 yeeyan

The design of the ship, the bow, made for speed, made for doing the trans- Atlantic with the waves and everything else.
就航行速度、在海浪中穿越大西洋的情况和其他方面来说,船只整体和船首的设计都是最合适的。 hjenglish

And I think that is part of perhaps where bow hunting comes in.
我想这可能正是弓箭狩猎兴起的原因部分原因所在吧。 kekenet

And if you're making your own bouquet, wrap your flowers in a matching ribbon or bow.
如果你正在操办自己的宴会,可以用比较搭的丝带和蝴蝶结来包花束。 yeeyan

As Li Yuan of the Wall Street Journal points out, early reviews of the Shanghai bow are grudgingly positive.
正如《华尔街日报》李元音译指出的那样,对上海这次鞠躬最初的评论勉强积极。 yeeyan

Besides the Bow Valley, evidence of glaciation also appears in this image south of the lake, in the amphitheater-shaped cirque.
除了被迷你汪卡湖占据的弓河谷外,冰川作用的证据还可以在南部的圆形冰斗处找到。 yeeyan

For a Big Society fan, the woods come all but gift-wrapped with a bow.
对支持大社会的人来说,这片森林几乎就是个系了蝴蝶结的礼物。 ecocn

For that reason, firearms quickly eclipsed the bow in Europe.
因为这个原因,在欧洲火器很快淘汰取代了弓箭。 yeeyan

He had gone hunting, as he often did in the morning and at dusk, gone hunting with his bow and his spear, though not his sword.
他外出打猎。一如既往,在每天的清晨和黄昏,带着弓和长矛外出打猎。但没有带上他的剑。 yeeyan

He moved aside for her with a polite bow.
他礼貌地鞠躬,退避一旁让她过去。 ebigear

He shot the arrow from the bow.

He refused to bow to the demands of the “ censor-morons” as he had for the publication of his first novel, The White Peacock.
像出版第一本小说《白孔雀》时那样,他拒绝向那些“低能审查者”低头,去迎合他们的要求。 yeeyan

He swept her a bow.

He tried to bow his fiddle but always missed.

I’ve seen plenty of hands tremble when they reach for the cotton bow to untie my gown.
当他们用手去够药棉,弓着身去解我的大衣时,我注意到他们许多人的手都颤抖。 yeeyan

Ideally, you could go online, pick out what breed you want, and it would come to your door with a red bow on it.
最理想地是,你可以在网上挑选你想饲养的宠物,它会带着一个红色的蝴蝶结来到你的门前。 yeeyan

If they ignore such requests, armed marshals on the ship would fire across their bow.
如果他们忽视这样的要求,船上的武装警察将越过船首开火。 yeeyan

NEXT NIGHT, walking out where it happened, I found her little red bow.
第 二天晚上,我走到了出事的地点,发现了她那小小的红色蝴蝶结。 yeeyan

Now you bow, and I curtsy.
现在你鞠躬,我行屈膝礼。 ebigear

Similarly, for the curtain call, when actors bow or curtsy, they place one foot behind the other and bend at the knee, thus‘ breaking’ the line of the leg.
类似的,当谢幕的时候,演员鞠躬或者行屈膝礼,他们将一只脚放在另一只的后面,弯曲膝盖,这样“切断”了腿的那条直线。 yeeyan

They refused to bow force.




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