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词汇 承上启下
释义 承上启下 chéng shàng qǐ xià 常用成语
as in a piece of writing etc. from a connecting link between what comes before and what goes after繁体承上啓下近义承前启后;继往开来;生上启下辨形“承”,不能写作“成”。
辨析见“承前启后”。谜语日文上かみからの指図さしずを受けて下しもに伝つたえる,前文を受けて後文こうぶんを書かきおこす这两段文字中应有几句承上启下的话。联合式:作谓语;定语;用于书面语;中性词。宋·张炎《词源·制曲》:“思量头如何起,尾如何结,方始选韵,而后述曲,最是过片不要断了曲意,须要承上启下。”解释: 承:接续。启:开启,引起。接续上面的并引出下面的。启,也作“起”。解释: 指写作中连接上文引起下文。《礼记·曲礼下》“故君子戒慎”唐·孔颖达疏:“故君子戒慎,不失色于人者,并结前义也;故,承上起下之辞。”
徐仲华《文章的结构》:“在文章采用倒叙的时候,由概说进而转为详说的时候,以及论述由分到合或由合到分的时候,通常都需要使用过渡段或过渡句。好的过渡应该有承上启下的作用。”解释: 指承接上一代引出下一代。雷洁琼《充分发挥知识分子在建设精神文明中的作用》:“中年知识分子是承上启下;继往开来的一代。”
余华《儿子的出生》:“现在我儿子漏漏已有七个多月了,我父亲有六十多岁,我母亲五十八岁,我是又做儿子,又当父亲,属于承上启下;继往开来中的人。”解释: 指承接上级,联系下级。孙犁《同口旧事》五:“对于和文艺工作有些关系的人,虽不一定是领导,文化修养也不一定高,却有些实权,好摆点官架,并能承上启下,汇报情况的人,我却常常应付不得其当。”近义词 承前启后继往开来承先启后承接上文起承转合
Pride and Prejudice is a well-known fiction written in superb techniques. It forms a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the British fiction history. cnki

Composition Principle of Computer is a core course, which forms a connecting link between the preceding and following courses in computer major. cnki

A Remaining Conclusion analyzes and sums up the historical status of the finance as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. btlunwen

The township elite in the power structure of village field is the medium between the preceding and the following. cnki

The village elite is in the medium position of village power structure. dictall

Nevertheless, this was still an age to be reckoned with for it functioned as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. fabiao

第一句明显承上启下的。 “烟草行业谨记他的建议,即便他们内部的科学家证实公共保健研究人员的发现。”
The tobacco industry took his advice to heart, even when its own in-house scientists were confirming what the public- health researchers had found out. ecocn

Ding Mausoleum's system is the transition from the preceding to the following in the phylogeny of the Qing Mausoleum system, so the important position of Ding Mausoleum can't be neglected. cnki

The upcoming Seventh China-EU Summit will be of great importance. As the first meeting after the European Union elected new leadership, it serves as a link between the past and the future.

Performance evaluation is a key point in the lifecycle of project management. It is the end of the last cycle and the start of the next one. cnki

In a word, Three Gorges Area is a major role in the historical spreading process of Chinese tea culture from Yangtze River Valley to the whole country. cnki

This structure means that there is no narrative flow: his first example from Latin America is Uruguay's2002 restructuring, his next is Argentina in1993 and his third is Brazil in1983. ecocn

Criminal examination and prosecution is the intermediate link, which plays an important role in joining investigation with trial. cnki

As nexus important links in the petroleum chains, petroleum logistics has been to be an important symbol of petroleum industrial modernization. dictall

Positivist Historiography played an important role of connection in the development of historiography, making idea foundation for the development of Marxism historiography in China. cnki

It provides contextual information for the remainder of the book. ibm

The planning of information system played the role of connecting link of the settlement plan of the whole enterprise informatization. cnki

This is a very important juncture in the business and they must follow certain principles.

This phrase serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following.《新英汉大辞典》

The France's scientific model was a connecting link between the preceding and the following which had great influences on human's scientific and technological development. cnki

The work is an important link which in the teaching links the preceding with the following, this is well known. studa

They form a link between the preceding and the following under such a background. fabiao

This chapter first explains its rhetorical functions, such as brevity, emphasis, contrast and coherence. cnki

Chaucer served as a historical connecting link between the medieval Britain and Renaissance. iciba

Communicationprocessor is a connecting link between the preceding and the following device in the distribution system communication. It transmits remote control and communication information. cnki




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