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词汇 bovine
释义 bo·vine 英ˈbəʊˌvaɪn, -ˌviːn美ˈboˌvaɪn, -ˌvinAHDbōʹvīn', -vēn' ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA³³⁰⁵⁷BNC¹⁷³¹⁴iWeb¹⁹⁹⁷⁴Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

any of various members of the genus Bos
of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos cattledull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox;

showed a bovine apathy

来自词根bov, 牛。词源同beef.bovine trichomoniasis牛滴虫病bovine brucellosis牛布氏杆菌病,牛传染…bovine pest牛瘟bovine leptospirosis牛钩端螺旋体病…bovine ketosis牛醋酮血病bovine somatotropin牛生长激素bovine babesiosis牛巴贝虫病bovine tuberculosis牛结核,牛结核病…bovine piroplasmosis牛双芽焦虫病…bovine mastitis牛乳房炎,牛的乳腺炎…bovine health牛的卫生bovine reovirus牛呼肠病毒Bovine rhinovirus牛鼻病毒bovine albumin牛白蛋白, 牛血清…bovine hyperkeratosis牛中毒性角化病…
GRE红宝书1bov = cow母牛2)bo读: 抱, vine葡萄酒. 整天抱着葡萄酒-牛饮, 喝多了就会迟钝.
音:钵 + wine 一碗酒,得有牛肉下酒;bull牛 + 音:碗,碗里的牛肉;bow + vine 葡萄酒,藤,俯首喝葡萄酒,得吃牛肉下酒;俯首愿做葡萄藤,牛一样。
GRE难词记忆bov→ above prep.在…上面→牧童骑在牛背上bov→ aboveprep.在…上面⇒牧童骑在牛背上GRE难词记忆bovine→bov牛+ine→牛的钱博士bov牛+ineS.形⇒牛的词根记忆bov牛+ ine ⇒牛的近义词 cow母牛slow慢的dim暗淡的dull呆滞的dense密集的bovid牛科的stupid愚蠢的unintelligent无知的

用作形容词A cow is a kind of domesticbovineanimals.母牛是家养牛属动物的一种。
He showed a ratherbovineexpression when he heard the news.当听到这个消息时,他显出一脸迟钝。用作名词The most widely used animal serum is fetalbovineserum .目前应用最广泛的动物血清是胎牛血清FBS。noun.member of genus bos
同义词 cow,oxen
crassadjective coarse, insensitive
crassestadjective coarse, insensitive
fatadjective overweight
fatteradjective overweight
lumberingadjective clumsy, awkward
blundering,bovine,bumbling,clodhopping,clunking,elephantine,gauche,gawky,halting,heavy,heavy-footed,hulking,inept,klutzy,lead-footed,lumpish,maladroit,overgrown,ponderous,splay,two left feet,ungainly,unhandy,unwieldy,wooden
stolidadjective apathetic, stupid
blunt,bovine,dense,doltish,dry,dull,dumb,heavy,impassive,inactive,indifferent,inert,lumpish,matter-of-fact,obtuse,passive,phlegmatic,slow,stoic,supine,unemotional,unexcitable,wooden IT IS a cardinal rule of French politics that a presidential candidate must know how to caress a bovine bottom with aplomb.
法国政坛的一项基本规则就是总统候选人必须知道如何挥洒自如地爱抚牛屁股。 ecocn

The authors' success came when they replaced the fetal bovine serum with a serum-free medium, KnockOut Serum Replacement, which is often used to grow embryonic stem cells.
当他们把胎牛血清放在一个无血清的培养媒介中,实验成功了。这种无血清媒介通常是用来培养胚胎干细胞的。 yeeyan

The relatively large bison populations are a concern for ranchers, who fear that the species can transmit bovine diseases to their domesticated cousins.
相对较大的野牛种群对各个牧场主来说是一个需要担心的事情。他们担心该物种能传染牛亚科疾病给家养的牛。 yeeyan

Although electrospun bovine serum albumin does not actually break up into droplets, the resulting threads have been so short and irregular as to be useless.
尽管实际上电纺的牛血清白蛋白不会断成一滴一滴的,但纺出来的线太短且不规则,无法使用。 ecocn

And, until now, that has been true of bovine serum albumin.
而且,直到现在,牛血清白蛋白都有这个问题。 ecocn

Badgers are blamed for bovine TB, while the mass transit of infectious cattle is overlooked.
獾被说成是牛结核病的元凶,而受感染的病牛的大规模运输却被忽略不提。 yeeyan

But when cloning works, as it increasingly does, it can replicate star beefy bovine and plump pigs. Farmers in the U.
不过,一旦克隆成功成功实例越来越多,就能复制出优质的牛科动物和肥胖的猪。 yeeyan

But zoonoses also affected industrialized countries with high health standards as was the case with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy crisis in Europe.
然而,人畜共患疾病也会影响卫生标准较高的工业化国家。欧洲发生的牛脑海绵状疾病危机就是这样的例子。 worldbank

Consumption of bovine products containing brain tissue is the most likely route for transmission of the agent to humans.
食用含有脑组织的牛制品是该病原体向人传播的最可能途径。 who

Initially, the researchers placed the fragments on a gel and soaked them in fetal bovine serum, a typical ingredient of cell cultures.
最初,实验人员把组织碎片放在凝胶上,浸泡在一种典型的细胞培养成分-----胎牛血清里。 yeeyan

Mad cow disease, formally known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, is a degenerative nerve disease in cattle.
疯牛病,是牛棉状脑病的俗称,是发生在牛身上的一种变性疾病。 yeeyan

She has even trained her bovine pet to soar over a beer- crate hurdle like a regular show jumper.
瑞加娜甚至训练了她的宠物牛腾跃过啤酒箱障碍,就像骑手们在障碍赛里面常做的那样。 yeeyan

So maybe Silicon Valley will indeed get its bovine equivalent.
因此,硅谷的确可能同牛城的优势对等。 ecocn

The culprits are methane— the natural result of bovine digestion— and the nitrogen emitted by manure.
其元凶是甲烷牛消化过程的自然结果和畜牧排泄物排放的一氧化二氮。 yeeyan

The latest suggestion, though, is probably the most bizarre of the lot: bovine serum albumin, a protein found in cows’ blood.
然而,最新的建议可能是所有选择中最古怪的:牛血清白蛋白,一种在牛的血液中发现的蛋白质。 ecocn

When you toss in all those other factors, such as bovine flatulence and gas released by manure, red meat comes in dead last.
若考虑到其它的因素,比如牛的无偿胀气和粪便排放气体,红肉饮食绝对是最后一位。 yeeyan

Bovine colostrum is loaded with antibodies and growth factors— the kinds of things that give calves a healthy start in life.
牛的初乳富含抗体和生长因素——这类物质能使牛犊生命初期健康成长。 yeeyan




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