释义 |
Boveri 基本例句 n.包维瑞¹⁰⁰ SoBoveri's idea was dropped as the search for oncogenes started to bear fruit.因此,波威利的想法遭到摒弃,追寻致癌基因的努力则开始开花结果。 This idea had been advanced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by two German scientists, David von Hansemann and TheodorBoveri.这个想法是由19世纪末及20世纪初两位德国科学家汉瑟曼DavidvonHansemann与波威利TheodorBoveri所提出。 Boverilikened some of the resulting malformed embryos to tumors and, in 1914, predicted that gains or losses of specific chromosomes would initiate cancer.波威利将某些由染色体失常造成的畸形胚胎与肿瘤相提并论,而于1914年提出假说:多出或失去某些特定染色体,将引发癌症。 Almost a century ago German biologist TheodorBoverinoticed the strange imbalance in cancer cells between the numbers of maternal versus paternal chromosomes.约在一世纪前,德国生物学家波威利TheodorBoveri注意到,癌细胞中来自母系与父系的染色体数目出现不一致的怪现象; BrownBoveriCorporation勃朗-鲍威利有限公司 |