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bout 英baʊt美baʊtAHDbout ★★☆☆☆高四GM宝八ICOCA⁸¹⁷²BNC¹¹⁹⁷²iWeb⁷⁰⁷¹Economist⁸³¹¹ 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 n.回合³¹;一场³⁵;一阵⁹;发作²⁵;摔跤等比赛复数bouts 医疗单位量词
n.名词 C比赛,较量,回合contest or struggle especially a boxing match C一段工作,一次训练,一场疾病period of work,exercise or illness Noun: sports a division during which one team is on the offensivea period of illness;a bout of fever a bout of depression a contest or fight especially between boxers or wrestlersan occasion for excessive eating or drinking;they went on a bust that lasted three days 来自英国人的本族语日耳曼语,本意是“拐弯,弯曲”,引申为“一圈,一轮”。acute bout急性发作bout jury裁判长及裁判员…drinking bout纵饮duration of a bout一场的实际比赛时间…five-hit bout刺中五剑决胜的比赛…bout number比赛顺序号码… GRE红宝书1)原指农夫来回犁地, 现在指带有反复性的活动. 参: boutiquen 专卖流行衣服的小商店-妇女反复走的地方2)读: 抱他. 在拳击比赛中, 当一回合快结束得时候, 如果有其中的一方体力不支, 就会采取抱住对方得手段, 可以拖延时间, 等到一回合结束后, 他就可以休息了. boat out 出去赛船,比上一回合;about, 周围,move about;四处活动 The baby is up and about. 原指农夫来回犁地, 现在指带有反复性的活动bouts of activity几番活动; 比较:boutique妇女时装精品店→妇女反复走的地方钱博士bou弯曲,和bow(鞠躬,弯曲同源)+t动词的过去分词后缀,在此构成名词,表示动作本身→弯曲,拐弯⇒一圈,一轮,一回合,一阵 词源解释来自英国人本族语属于日耳曼语,本意是“拐弯,弯曲”,引申为“一圈,一轮”。bou弯曲,和bow(鞠躬,弯曲同源)+t动词的过去分词后缀,在此构成名词,表示动作本身→弯曲,拐弯⇒一圈,一轮,一回合,一阵。GRE难词记忆bout→about adv.大约→大约一个回合的功夫联想记忆原指农夫来回犁地,现在指带有反复性的活动GRE难词记忆bout→boat n.船→一场划船比赛近义词 of关于test考验turn翻转time时间tear撕掉spell拼写round圆的trial审讯fit适宜的stint节省battle战斗attack攻击length长度bust半身像contest竞赛session会议stretch伸展struggle努力binge狂欢作乐competition竞争short time短时间tournament锦标赛length of time持续时间short period短周期的短寿命的… 用作名词n.These two boxers will appear in the main weapons.这两名拳击手将在主要比赛中较量。 They had been fighting after a drinking bout.他们在狂饮了一通后一直在打架。 I've just recovered from a bout of malaria.我患了疟疾,刚刚痊愈。 名词100% 用作名词There are three rounds in an amateur boxingbout.一场业余拳击比赛打三个回合。 He had a longboutof illness last year.他去年生了一场拖了很久的病。 She hasboutsof hard work followed by long periods of inactivity.她总是努力干上一阵,然后一呆就是很长时间。 He suffers from frequentboutsof depression.他患多发性抑郁症。 He won theboutby great superiority.他以绝对优势赢了这场比赛。noun.period of time in which something occurs 同义词 round,session,spell,tourcourse,fit,go,run,shift,stint,stretch,tear,term,trick,turnnoun.competitive fight 同义词 battle,boxing match,competition,contest,encounter,match,round,strugglebat,engagement,go,set-to attacknoun sudden dysfunction or disorder access,ailment,breakdown,convulsion,disease,failure,fit,illness,paroxysm,relapse,seizure,spasm,spell,stroke,throe attacksnoun sudden dysfunction or disorder accesses,ailments,bouts,breakdowns,convulsions,diseases,failures,fits,illnesses,paroxysms,relapses,seizures,spasms,spells,strokes,throes bingenoun spree bacchanal,bacchanalia,bender,blast,blind,bout,carousal,compotation,fling,jag,orgy,saturnalia,spree,tear,toot competitionnoun contest antagonism,athletic event,bout,candidacy,championship,clash,concours,contention,controversy,counteraction,do-or-die,dog-eat-dog,emulation,encounter,engagement,event,fight,game,go for it,go for the gold,horse race,jungle,match,matchup,meeting,one-on-one,one-upping,opposition,pairing off,puzzle,quiz,race,racing,rat race,rivalry,run,sport,strife,striving,struggle,tilt,tournament,trial,tug-of-war,warfare duelnoun fight affair of honor,bout,challenge,engagement,fencing,joust,shootout,single combat,sword fight encounternoun fight, argument action,battle,bout,brush,clash,collision,combat,conflict,contention,contest,dispute,engagement,flap,fray,hassle,quarrel,rumpus,run-in,scrap,set-to,skirmish,velitation,violence A few not many worry that this bout of government spending will result in inflation. 有些人不是许多担心,这轮政府开支将导致通货膨胀的出现。 yeeyan A blizzard had just swept through Portland, so during a bout of cabin fever I began writing songs for her. 一场暴风雪刚刚席卷了波特兰,所以在经历了一场幽居病后,我开始为她写歌。 yeeyan A severe bout of malaria, scientists now believe, may just have been too much for the disabled boy. 科学家现在认为,一场严重的疟疾的发作可能会使残疾的男孩感染得特别多。 yeeyan And if historical patterns hold, the current bout of malaise presents a fantastic opportunity for investors to buy shares at a discount. 如果历史的模式不是盖的,目前这一回合的不适对投资者而言,就是一个绝好的以折扣价买入股票的机会。 yeeyan And with Republicans gaining ground this political season, get ready for a particularly painful bout of it. 随着共和党在这个政治赛季占得先机,准备好打一场特别的硬仗。 yeeyan At least nine more were killed at funerals on Saturday in what witnesses said was a bout indiscriminate and unprovoked shooting. 在周六的葬礼上,至少有九人遇害,目击者称,伤亡是由一阵无缘无故的任意扫射造成的。 ecocn But at the same time, any single bout of activity, including sexual activity, could for a brief period— during and afterward— increase someone’s risk. 但同时,包括性生活在内的任何一次活动,可能是在很短暂的一段时间内或这段时间后,对于一些人来说,发作的危险都会增加。 yeeyan College teacher and award-winning female boxer Becky Zerlentes died in 2005 and is believed to be the first woman to die in a sanctioned bout. 大学教师贝基•泽伦茨是一位优秀的女性拳击手,于2005年死亡,被认为是第一个在正式拳击赛中丧生的女性。 yeeyan He is down with a nasty bout of flu. 他患了一阵子感冒,很难受。《21世纪大英汉词典》 How does a fencing bout start? 一场击剑比赛如何开始? kekenet If all this adverse publicity had indeed induced a bout of“ climate conscience” in the brothers, it would be quite some story. 如果所有这些反面报道确实影响了兄弟俩的气候影响道德观,将有很多故事发生。 ecocn In the blue corner in one recent match, Zhang Jiangen slowly slid the top off a round clay canister to ready a Shandong cricket for his bout. 在最近一场比赛的休息区中,张健根音慢慢滑开一只圆陶罐的盖子,准备用里面的一只山东蟋蟀斗上一回。 iciba India continues to lag in its bout with taming inflation, opting instead for the “ wait and see” approach with regard to implementing another rounds of tightening. 印度继续在与通胀的斗争回合中处于下风,在实施新一轮紧缩政策方面,倾向于选择“观望”态度。 yeeyan It waddled towards the pool, looking less like a predator than like an elderly sumo wrestler tottering uncertainly towards a bout with a reigning champion. 它摇摇摆摆地走向水池,看起来不像是一个食肉动物,而更像是一个年老的相扑选手蹒跚地走向和卫冕冠军的一场较量。 yeeyan Once the kids have been bucked off, the game generally dissolves into a raucous bout of wrestling and tickling. 一旦孩子们突然跳下来,游戏立刻完全变成了一场喧闹的摔跤和相互瘙痒。 yeeyan Perhaps he struggled against others until a severe bout of malaria or a leg broken in an accident added one strain too many to a body that could no longer carry the load. 也许图坦卡蒙一直被各种疾病所困扰,直到一次严重的疟疾感染或断腿事故的发生,让他虚弱的身体不堪重负,最终撒手人寰。 yeeyan Perhaps the most surprising bout of consolidation and revival, however, has been in Latin America. 或许最令人惊讶的合并与复活的较量是在拉丁美洲。 yeeyan Proponents and opponents of same-sex nuptials promised another bout of balloting on the issue. 同性婚姻的支持者与反对者定会在这项决议的投票上再战一回。 ecocn That sort of brazenness got him through the last bout of sex scandals in2009. 这种厚颜无耻的手法让他在2009年顺利渡过上一波性丑闻。 ecocn That bout of pneumonia enfeebled her. 那次肺炎的发作使她虚弱了。《21世纪大英汉词典》 There, by making it harder for anything to get out of the top, the junk will give the drilling mud a better chance in a second bout of arm wrestling. 在那里,垃圾弹使得任何东西要从顶部逃出来变得极为困难,在扳手腕的第二回合中,垃圾弹给钻井泥浆提供了一个更好的机会。 ecocn Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. 写作是一场可怕的劳心伤神的斗争,犹如一场恶病长时间发作。 ebigear |