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词汇 Bousso
释义 Bousso
n.布索在乍得;东经 16º45' 北纬 10º32'
Bousso's bound subsumes other entropy bounds while avoiding their limitations.布索的上限包容了其他的熵上限,但却避免了它们所受适用范围的局限。
In 2000 Joseph Polchinski of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and RaphaelBousso, now at U.C.2000年,美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的普金斯基和同大学柏克莱分校的布索以弦论的图像提出了一个构想。
JOSEPH POLCHINSKI's and RAPHAEL BOUSSO work together began at a workshop on string duality in Santa Barbara.普金斯基与布索的合作始于在美国圣巴巴拉举办探讨弦对偶性的工作坊。
RAPHAEL BOUSSO and JOSEPH POLCHINSKI's work together began at a workshop on string duality in Santa Barbara.布索与普金斯基的合作始于在美国圣巴巴拉举办探讨弦对偶性的工作坊。
It grew out of the synergy betweenBousso's background in quantum gravity and inflationary cosmology and Polchinski's background in string theory.此合作源于布索在量子重力及暴胀宇宙学的背景,及普金斯基专长的弦论等领域的互补。
Boussohas also shown that his strategy can be used to locate the 2-D surfaces on which holograms of the world can be set up.布索也证明了他的策略能够用来找出,可以在上面设立世界全像图的二维曲面。




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