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Boussinesq 基本例句 布西内¹⁰⁰ Open Boundary Conditions for the Primitive andBoussinesqEquations.方程的开放边界条件。 The three-dimensionalBoussinesqequations with no-viscosity and adiabatic under the hydrostatic equilibrium are studied.3)研究了在静力平衡的条件下,一个无粘、绝热的三维Boussinesq近似的方程组。 Wang Yanping,Guo Boling,Blow-up of the solution for a generalizedBoussinesqEquation,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007,1437-1443.王艳萍,陈国旺,一类高阶非线性波动方程的时间周期问题,应用数学学报, Until AD 190, the Kanto soldiers from Dong Zhuo to withdraw from Luoyang, XianBoussinesqstress transfer Changan, more exposed the cruelty of his.直至公元190年,关东兵起,董卓退出洛阳,胁迫献布西迁长安,更加暴露了他的凶残性。 A numerical method,by coupling 2-D Reynold average N-S equation and volume of fluid model with 1-DBoussinesqmodel,is proposed to study the wave-structure interaction in coastal area.作者针对近岸波浪与结构物相互作用问题提出了一种耦合数值方法 ;即用时均化的二维雷诺平均的Navi er stokes方程 -流体体积法模型表达内域流动 ;用一维Boussinesq方程表达外域流动 ;通过速度、压力和波面匹配边界条件实现两种数值模型的同步求解 . V.G. Lee, 2002, “BoussinesqProblem in Three-Dimensional Anisotropic Elasticity,” Fourteenth U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 23-28, 2002, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.蔡育霖、李文娟,“烧结行为对黏土陶瓷材料机械性质之影响”,中华民国力学学会第三十届全国力学会议,95年12月15-16日 |