

单词 acted
释义 act·ed 英'æktɪd美'æktɪd COCA⁸⁶⁵¹BNC⁶⁵⁵⁵Economist⁵⁵¹⁸
动词 act:
perform an action, or work out or perform an actionbehave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneselfplay a role or partdischarge one's dutiespretend to have certain qualities or state of mindbe suitable for theatrical performancehave an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expectedbe engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasurebehave unnaturally or affectedlyperform on a stage or theateras in.make believe
同义词 fictional,imaginary,simulateddream,fantasy,mock,pretend,shamfalsefantasizedfraudulent,made-up,pretended
反义词 genuine,realtrue,unimaginedas in.produced
同义词 performed,stagedimparted,offered,rendered,shownput on
make believeadjective imagined, unreal
make-believeadjective imagined, unreal
producedadjective presented
acted,imparted,offered,performed,put on,rendered,shown,staged For the most part, the Germans looked, acted, and fought like us.
最主要的,德国人的外貌、行动,战斗性都跟我们很像。 yeeyan

In permitting this, I have surely acted a false part by the only man to whom the power was left me to be true!
他是上天留给我保持忠诚的唯一的一个人,我却允许你对他这般肆虐,我确实扮演了一个虚伪的角色! hjenglish

On the other hand, Ireland acted unilaterally to back its banks this past week.
另一方面,爱尔兰上个星期单独采取行动支持本国银行。 ebigear

As ever, the Europeans would exert more moral influence if they acted in unison.
与以往一样,如果欧洲人行动一致的话,他们就会施加更大的道德影响力。 ecocn

At worst, some of the boys who acted for him thought he might be a spy for the occupation.
最糟的是,一些为他演戏的孩子认为他可能是为占领者服务的间谍。 ecocn

Because it is only with element of surprise, as well as the size of the operation, that we would shock the markets when we acted.
因为这个计划的基本要素是出其不意,还有它实施的规模,我们一旦采取行动,我们将会使市场受到冲击。 yeeyan

But God loves us so much that He acted dramatically to save us from the punishment we deserve.
但是上帝如此的爱我们,以至于他演戏一样的装作把我们从我们应受的惩罚中解救出来。 yeeyan

But like a doctor facing a patient with a new disease and strange symptoms, they often acted in ways that, with the benefit of hindsight, appeared counterproductive.
然而,就好比医生面对一位患了新病、症状奇特的病人一样,他们的行动在事后看来,似乎经常招致相反的效果。 yeeyan

Check your progress. After you've acted and the situation is over, spend some time thinking about how it went.
看下自己的进步。在你采取了行动,情境过了之后,花些时间去思考下事情的经过。 yeeyan

He re- acted the scene in his imagination.

He acted out the hero's part in detail.

He acted quickly because the man's life was at stake.
他行动很快,因为那个人的生命在危险中。 ebigear

I should have acted differently when she asked me to help.
她向我求助的时候我应该表现更好一点的。 yeeyan

It was unintended, but diverted food aid acted as a lubricant to the development of the market.
这是人们意料之外的,但是被截留的粮食援助充当的黑市发展的润滑剂。 yeeyan

None of you held back, you all acted together?
你们谁都没加以阻止,你们都是一起行动的吗? yeeyan

Not through her screen roles, as well acted as they may be, but her lead in supporting rights.
这不仅是依靠她完美演绎的银幕形象,而且还于在于她拥护权利运动中的领导作用。 yeeyan

Published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association of Psychological Science, the findings look encouraging: Participants acted more morally than they would have predicted.
这项令人振奋的发现发表在心理科学协会杂志《心理科学》上:在行动上,参与者比他们预想的更道义。 yeeyan

Rulers who acted in accordance with moral norms whenever possible tended to win the race for leadership over the long term.
以道德规范来行动的统治者不管在何时都有可能在长期赢得领导权的比赛。 yeeyan

So they acted so as to realize their dreams through their vision and goals.
所以他们作出行动以便于从眼光和目标中实现自己的梦想。 yeeyan

The answer here is the same one that the G20 has already reached but not yet acted upon.
答案还是原来那一个—20国集团的领导们已经达成共识但是还没有行动。 yeeyan

They acted promptly in the emergency.

We set objectives too, but we look at how people acted toward accomplishing those objectives.
我们也设立目标,但我们更关注人们如何通过行动来实现这些目标。 fortunechina




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